

I've got the Coffee! Where's the Conversation? - Coffee & Conversation.

Where do we see a lot of conversation these days?

Mostly on Social Media!

Yes, Blogs, Twitter and Facebook but some of you might like to add in Instagram as well although I don't know it well (having seldom used my account) and perhaps it hasn't gone down the road of connecting people so much in the conversation type way.

We talk about
            our friends on Facebook

we talk to 
            our friends on Facebook

we talk to
            our Facebook friends on Facebook.

A conversation used to be face to face over a cup of coffee or tea.

Now it's on a Social Media and consists of emojis, photos, memes and videos with a bit of writing but basically not that much or maybe in short bursts if you use Messenger or texts.

Facebook used to be a good way for me to keep in touch with my friends from different parts of the world we have previously lived in but not so much now as we all just don't share as much on it and with the inclusion of so many Facebook Groups and Pages there is now so much in our feed we don't get offered all of our Friends contributions any more.

We end up not having real conversations with our friends and sometimes not even having a Facebook conversation with our real friends but instead it's a Facebook conversation with Facebook Friends.

Let's have some real conversations and get to know each other better.

Photo from BigStock Images

When was the last time we just sat down together with a friend and had a coffee and a chat?

Are we still up-to-date with how our friends are, truly are?

It's easy, let's do it more often, much more often.

I've got the Coffee! Let's have a Conversation!

So let's say to someone  "I've got the coffee!  Let's have a Conversation!" and invite them over.