
10 Easy Ideas for Facetime with Kids - Stuck at Home & Need Help!

Are you stuck in the house?

If you are confined to home

             or self-isolating

                          or just a long way away from your grandchildren   

 then you probably need some good ideas for things to do

                            when face timing or on a Zoom call with your grandchildren.

If So  


This is the place to find 10 Easy Ideas that you can do to have fun & interesting Facetime calls or Zoom meetings.

Let's face it when we are having to facetime our young grandkids so often instead of visiting them or having them round to our homes we can't just talk to them.

Our grandchildren are used to being interactive with us each time they are with us and they will feel such a difference when they feel they can only talk or show us a picture they have drawn or a model they have made with their lego. We will feel it hard to ask them questions all the time or try to tell them what we have been doing when we have hardly been outside our homes.

Hence we have had to adjust our thinking and we came up with several ideas to do in our face times which usually last for 45 minutes - not too short not too long - we all want to enjoy our time together.

1.   Hunt the Bear

Of course it doesn't have to be a bear, it can be any cuddly toy that the kids love.

We have a little cuddly toy bear that is called Charmin because it came free with Charmin toilet roll many years ago.

This bear sits on the window sill of our bathroom just as it sat on the window sill of our small toilet in our home in Belgium from 2004 to 2010.

The idea of hiding Charmin started when our son (who had remained in Northern Ireland when we moved to Belgium) would come to visit and we would hide the bear and one of the first things he had to do was hunt the house to find Charmin.

Now I hide Charmin before facetiming our grandkids (his children) and they have to tell their grandpa where to take them to look.

One time Charmin was hiding under the duvet cover on the Daybed in the room the kids would sleep in when they come to sleepover at our house.

The last time he was hiding behind a photo frame that holds a picture of our three children when they were young.

Of course you can hide the same thing each time or a different thing each time.

2.   Drawing Objects

I decided to try to learn how to draw cartoon type animals and objects and had sent for a book to learn from so now when we are face timing I draw what I have learned and they have to guess what it is.

So far I have drawn - dogs, cars, trees, buildings, cats, rabbits, flowers and a knight in armour.

The first time, Ruby guessed my dog and then wanted a another dog so I drew it slightly differently.
Matthew guessed my car and even knew the longer one was a Limo.

If you want to know just how easy it is drawing these dogs and cars you can see me drawing them in the video below.

Here is a picture of the book I had bought to learn from

and inside for how to draw the dog

The book can be found HERE on Amazon

If the children want to learn to draw there are various books you can get for them such as:

3.   JigSaws

We received a lovely personalised jigsaw for Christmas from our daughter-in-law.

It was based on a photo taken the day our third grandchild Sarah was born so it consists of Fred and I and the 3 grandchildren.

We thought this would be a good choice to start with.

We started it off by doing the outline of the jigsaw but leaving out some of the pieces and then on the face time we got the kids to tell us where each of the pieces would fit in to finish the outline.

They were both good at that and soon the outline was completed.

The next face time they helped us do some of the faces, etc.

You can do the same with one of their jigsaws that they have done before or buy some new ones that are based on things that interest the kids.

I was very fortunate earlier this year to find this Portapuzzle on a Facebook Marketplace where I only paid £10 for it and it is in such good condition - hardly used at all.

It zips up round your jigsaws and holds them in tight so that you can move them around so easily.

It is well padded and has two mats.

We used one mat for holding this jigsaw and the other for placing on top while we had it sitting on the table in the sun room before the facetime calls.

When I am working on a larger jigsaw I can do it on one half of the open Portapuzzle and the mats can be used to sort the pieces.

I can not see it on Amazon - although there are several solutions there but mostly roll up or very expensive similar versions of the one pictured above.

Jigsaw Puzzle storage on Amazon

I was able to see it Here on Argos for £30

4.   Sticker Fun

In between face times you can ask the children if they could make a nice picture or card for you using stickers and drawing things you like and this would be like giving them a topic or theme.

They could then post their creations to you or show you on your next face time together and it gives you something to thank them for and show your appreciation to them which is so good for kids.

Matthew and Ruby did some for us and posted them to us.

I like hearts and butterflies and Matthew had in the past helped Fred to put together a Pirate Ship which he plays with at our house.

Some drawing and colouring and stickers on the outside and then there were more on the inside.

You could even buy them some new stickers and post them off so that they could use them for your pictures.

5.   Learning a New Song 

Most kids love to learn songs and then they can pass a longish car journey singing at the top of their lungs.

We have always loved doing kids songs for church so it was very natural for us to want to teach our children and grandchildren lots of kids songs.

You can see some examples of Kid's Songs on the Kids Resources Page on this blog

We have even done some hand washing videos teaching some songs that are at least 20 secs long. You can see them at Kids Songs for Hand Washing

Of course you can always get the kids to teach you a new song too.

And don't forget it's more fun if there are actions involved

Here are some Song Book & CD suggestions on Amazon

Little Songs for Little Souls (Wonder Kids: Music) 

6.   Puppet Shows

All kids love puppets and you can easily make up a little story from when your own kids were young and have the puppet tell the grandchildren.

I used puppets for kids clubs and church events and then our daughter studied drama and used puppets during her studies and projects.

So our house has loads of puppets of different types.

Fred and I got these two out the other day and made a quick 40 sec. video as a birthday treat for a friend.

If you don't have a proper puppet use a cuddly toy or use a sock on your hand.

7.   Reading Books 

Another things kids love to do is listen to their grandparents reading books to them.

You don't even have to get any new books just use their old favourites that you would read to them at other times.

I had got a book I was intending to review and I like to include Matthew and Ruby in my reviews so we just went ahead and Fred read it to them over face time while I tried to video him, the book and the kids.

You can see the result in the video below:

Ruby was the one who really wanted a story this time and Matthew had decided he wanted to draw a picture for us but if you watch the ipad you will see he was just as interested as Ruby but didn't need to stick his face right up to the screen.

8.   Quizes

You can do a quiz based on a different theme each time you want to do a quiz.

Try to think of types of Quizes that would suit your grandchildren (this will differ greatly because of ages)


Matthew would like something based on cars or dinosaurs
Ruby would like something based on clothes or butterflies.

However I always find that kids love to guess answers to anything.

You may be able to find something to suit you at  FUNQUIZES  or    QUIZGLOBAL

Or if you want to get a book to keep try HERE on AMAZON

I like to have some simple number cards ready to for scoring a quiz.

To make simple numbered score cards:
  • cut out several squares of card all the same colour and size
  • write a number on one side of the cards*
  • leave the backs of the cards blank
* usually a variety of just the numbers between 1 and 5 should be used - easy to add up,

These squares of card act as scores for when they answer correctly, keep them turned face down on the table and the children choose the card they want.

I had these round craft pricing cards lying in a box in the craft armoire - they had been there for a few years so they were ideal for me to use.

Perhaps another time the grandkids could make up some questions and you have to see if you know the answers.

9.   Memory Boxes

Do you have a memory box?

If you do or if you keep a picture diary or if you have a little memory scrapbook then why not show the kids a few items or pictures or pages and tell them about why these things are special.

Then you can encourage the children to start memory boxes of their own.

Below is one of my memory boxes - maybe I'll put all the contents into a scrapbook sometime!

10.   Playing Games

You may not be in the same room or the same house but you can still play games together.

Matthew and Ruby love playing games whenever we are together so they can still enjoy playing short games with us on face time.

Just be careful which types of games you chose to play, not to long and not too involved, simple games are better in this situation.

Pen and paper games are probably the easiest to start with such as X & O's or hangman so having some notebooks at hand will be a good idea.

I love the large A4 size notebooks I get from The Works Website and I use them for everything I want to write down.

This is the notebook I used to write down all the ideas I had for what I wanted to do during the lockdown time.

Other ideas for individual games to play together are available in another post on this blog

And there is also  


Ladies Do you Believe This? Coffee & Conversation

We believe a lot of things about ourselves.

Many are things we have decided about ourselves from the past or things we have decided for us for the future.

Many are things that family, or friends or workmates have decided about us and those things stick with us.

Do you believe all these things that have often been descriptors of you for years or months or weeks or even just the last few days?

We should not judge or describe ourselves by what others think or even by what we feel we have experienced.

We need to describe ourselves by what God says about us.

So ladies

Do you believe this list of personal things that God has declared in His Word?

You are HIS.

You are ALIVE in CHRIST.
You are a CHILD of GOD.
You are CHOSEN.
You are DEAD to SIN.
You are HEALED by His STRIPES.
You are HIS.
You are an HEIR to the KINGDOM.
You are MADE for HIS GLORY. 
You are an OVERCOMER. 
You are the SALT and the LIGHT.
You are SET FREE from bondage.
You are a TEMPLE of the HOLY SPIRIT.
You are WHOLE.
You are WRITTEN on the PALM of HIS HAND.

You are MADE for HIS GLORY.   


You are MORE than a CONQUEROR.
You are MORE than YOUR PAST.
You are MORE than WHAT YOU WEAR.

You are ........
You are ........

You are so many things in God's eyes but most importantly you are His creation and He has a plan for your life which starts with



followed by


You are WRITTEN on the PALM of HIS HAND.

and then let's finish where we started

You are HIS.

from the words of Jesus

Ladies Do you Believe This?


A Place for Everything and Everything in It's Place! - A Dose of Encouragement

  Where is it?

      Where did you leave it?

          Where did you last see it?

              Where did you last have it?

                  When did you last have it?

                      What did you last use it for?

I need

A Place for Everything!


All these questions and more are regularly asked in our house.

So the simple solution to all of this is my favourite quote

A Place for Everything and Everything in it's Place

But even though I have loved this saying for many years

                              I have never yet got to this ideal position in my home or life.

One of the reasons

                       is simply that there are

I often have to overhaul my Study and even there I pick a place to keep something and then later I change my mind and decide to keep in in a different part of that room and then the next time I want that item I go back to the original place and wonder why I can't find it there!

I have forgotten that I changed my mind!

This is especially so with my craft items.

One time I think that one box or container suits my stamps best and then I get some more and decide that the original container was not big enough to hold all that I now have 

or I have my embellishments in segmented containers and then I decide to sort them by a different criterion and find that the sizes of the compartments don't suit or the number of compartments don't suit.

So I rearrange them and then later when I want a certain item I have to go through all my containers again because I can't remember how I rearranged them.

I have forgotten that I changed my mind!

When we lived in America (many years ago) we bought a lovely piece of furniture.

It was a Computer Armoire.

While we were in America and also for some years after we had returned to Northern Ireland, we used it for our computer but then when we all had computers we stopped using it for this purpose and I claimed it as a Craft Armoire.

BUT this is what it can get like when I let it get out of control.

When I don't take the time to put things in their proper place inside it.

Unfortunately other things can get out of control in our lives too.

We start to order our finances with a nice little budget but then forget about or don't write everything down.

We start to be more careful about our eating habits and exercise habits and then after a few weeks we get lazy again.

We plan to do things but just keep putting them off.

What we could be tempted to say then is

I need a

Place for everything and Time for everything!

When what we really need is to get rid of the things that take up space and time in our lives and say

I need to

Concentrate on the good and sensible things that give meaning to my life.

by asking ourselves what God would have us do and going back to the reason we are on this earth

What is Man's Chief End?

Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.

Or in other words

What should we be concentrating on?

We should be concentrating on living our lives so that
 we bring
 glory and honour to God
 draw others to God

Then we will know the fullness of joy that the Bible talks about because we will be in the right place.

Then we will be content with our life because we will be in the right place with God.

Then we won't have perfect homes or perfect memories or be perfect but we will be in good relationship with  our heavenly father.

Let's Put the RIGHT things FIRST in our Lives and Homes.

Let's not keep changing what we think, what we do, what we hold on to.

Let's follow God and stick with what He leads us to.

Let's not keep forgetting or changing our minds.

I'ts time to be consistent in our faith.

God is an unchanging God

Can we be an unchanging people who stick to God's Word and obey all of it.

Looking for Devotionals or Bible Studies - Stuck at Home and Need Help?

Are you stuck in the house?

If you are confined to home

             or self-isolating

                          or off work because the kids are ill

    or perhaps the weather is just too cold or stormy to get out

  you may be looking for some devotionals to read each day

or Bible Studies to dig into.

If So
This is the place to find all my devotional & Bible Study type posts 

Just click on the Titles to find out more.

Each of the blog posts that fall into the category of Devotionals will be listed here 
Themes or Topics.

Why We Worship

#1   God is Great                                                  
#5   God is Holy                                                 
#9   God is Merciful                                             
#17   God is Wise                                                

It's God's Love                          

It's God's Love #4
It's God's Love #5                                                
It's God's Love #8
It's God's Love #9                                                
It's God's Love #12
It's God's Love #13                                              
It's God's Love #16
It's God's Love #20
It's God's Love #21                                                 
It's God's Love #24
It's God's Love #25                                                 

Songs for Worship

Pondering the Psalms

Smile God Loves You

Sunday Scripture

Sunday Scripture  Luke 1v37
Sunday Scripture  Psalm 145v1-3
Sunday Scripture  Matthew 8v27
Sunday Scripture  2 Timothy 1v7
Sunday Scripture  Romans 8v25 
Sunday Scripture  John 16v24 
Sunday Scripture  Hebrews 12v14
Sunday Scripture  Psalm 16v8
Sunday Scripture  1 Thessalonian 5v16-18
Sunday Scripture  Philippians 1v21
Sunday Scripture  Psalm 34v1
Sunday Scripture  Proverbs 22v17-21

New Testament


Just click on the Titles to find out more.

I started the Advent Reading Challenge through the Gospel of Luke where you read 1 chapter each day from 1st December to 24th Dec and by then you have reached the end of the book.

Then I thought I would write a series of blog posts as I went along mostly covering 2 chapters at a time.

Each time I publish my post I will put the link to that post in the list below so have a good wander around and read my thoughts on the Book of Luke.

The Gospel of Luke 

Overview & Chapter 1
Chapters 2 & 3
Chapters 4 & 5
Chapters 6 & 7
Chapters 8 & 9
Chapters 10 & 11
Chapters 12 & 13
Chapters 14 & 15
Chapters 16 & 17
Chapters 18 & 19
Chapters 20 & 21
Chapters 22 & 23
Chapters 24 & Summary


I started blogging each day for 31 Days for an October challenge and reached the end of chapter 17 so then I decided to continue on through Acts but only posting approx. twice a week.

Each of the posts are in the list below so have a good wander around and read my thoughts on the book of Acts.


DAY 1  -  Do You Read Everything in a Book?  
DAY 2  -  Who is your Attention on?
DAY 3  -  All Together Now?
DAY 4  -  Is there Strength in the Promise?
DAY 5  -  What Happened at the Gate?
DAY 6  -  Have We Got Your Attention?
DAY 7  -  Who Complains About Good Things?
DAY 8  -  Responses to the Gospel
DAY 9  -  Because of a Lie
DAY 10  -  Who Does the Miracles?
DAY 11  -  What's the Outcome?
DAY 12  -  Wise & Respected Men
DAY 13  -  A Result of Hatred.
DAY 14  -  Good Out of Evil.
DAY 15  -  Important Questions, Simple Answers
DAY 16  -  Darkness! Now the True Light!
DAY 17  -  Changing Lives & Communities
DAY 18  -  Death & Life
DAY 19  -  It's not about Us, It's all about God!
DAY 20  -  We all need to be Encouragers
DAY 21  -  A Miraculous Escape
DAY 22  -  Daily Scriptures
DAY 23  -  A Specific Job for the Kingdom
DAY 24  -  Love & Hatred
DAY 25  -  All the Same?
DAY 26  -  Believe in the Right Thing!
DAY 27  -  Empowering People's Lives
DAY 28  -  The Call
DAY 29  -  What Does God Need?
DAY 30  -  The Power & Destruction of Envy
DAY 31  -  Knowing God

This is the rest of the Book of Acts .

Chapter 18  -  Reactions of People
Chapter 18 (contd)  -  A Godly Couple
Chapter 19  -  Questions are Important!
Chapter 19 (contd)  -  The Influence of Paul
Chapter 20  -  A Short Eventful Visit
Chapter 20 (contd)  -  Paul's Goal
Chapter 21  -  The Journey to Jerusalem
Chapter 21 & 22  -  Paul's Defense
Chapter 23  -  A Murder Plot
Chapter 23 & 24  -  Accusations & Indecisions
Chapter 25  -  The Big Appeal
Chapter 26  -  Paul Comes Before the King
Chapter 27 & 28  - 


Looking at 4 studies 






Looking at the Story of Ruth and Boaz from the Book of Ruth from the relationships of the 3 main characters Ruth, Boaz and Naomi.

Ruth & Boaz - The Start of the Story

Ruth & Boaz - Unconditional Love

Why not pin this to be able to come back later