2 weeks ago I wrote about the meaning of my name
and Fred's name - Our Name Meanings.
Today I want to tell you about the names we gave our 3 children.
In September 1982 Fred and I had a baby boy.
We did not know we were going to have a boy from a scan but we knew we would have a boy because of the name God had given us for our baby.
Some months before this on a Thursday night we had gone along as usual to the mid-week meeting in our church. That night our Pastor was speaking on the relationship between David and Jonathan and approaching it from the true friend Jonathan was to David.
At the end of the meeting Fred and I just looked at each other and both said
that is the name for our baby
There was no doubt in our minds that we were to have a boy and we knew the name he was to have.
When September came
we had a boy and we called him
Because we had felt so sure that this was the right name we had not thought to check the meaning of his name straight away but when we did we discovered that the name Jonathan is a Hebrew name and means
Because we had felt so sure that this was the right name we had not thought to check the meaning of his name straight away but when we did we discovered that the name Jonathan is a Hebrew name and means
Well this was very true of this our first child because we had tried for some years but I had not become pregnant and we had really prayed for a child.
Two years later again in the month of September we were sitting in the hospital waiting for our second child to be born. All through this pregnancy we had not thought of a name.
We did however believe it was going to be another boy (again not from a scan but we both felt God was giving us a boy) so as we sat there we prayed and asked God to help us find the right name. We then went through the book of baby names for boys simply reading out each name in alphabetical order and with the idea of saying
All through the A's we both just said no to each name and then the same for the B's and the C's we kept saying we should at least have a maybe, but it didn't happen.
Then in the D's we got to
and we both just said yes, and we were surprised that we did but we stopped there as we felt that was the name.
Later that day we had our second son and knew we had picked the right name which means
Two years later again in the month of September we were sitting in the hospital waiting for our second child to be born. All through this pregnancy we had not thought of a name.
We did however believe it was going to be another boy (again not from a scan but we both felt God was giving us a boy) so as we sat there we prayed and asked God to help us find the right name. We then went through the book of baby names for boys simply reading out each name in alphabetical order and with the idea of saying
yes, no or maybe.
All through the A's we both just said no to each name and then the same for the B's and the C's we kept saying we should at least have a maybe, but it didn't happen.
Then in the D's we got to
and we both just said yes, and we were surprised that we did but we stopped there as we felt that was the name.
Later that day we had our second son and knew we had picked the right name which means
Three years later our third child was born at the end of December.
Now this time we had no idea whatsoever whether we were going to have a boy or a girl and we picked two names in advance.
Timothy and Linda.
This time I just kept saying that if we did have a girl I couldn't imagine her being called anything other than Linda and Timothy was a lovely character from the bible, plus doesn't Jonathan, Daniel and Timothy just sound so good.
Because we already had the two boys everyone kept saying things like
"I'm sure you are hoping for a girl this time"
"Oh you're going for the girl then?"
neither of which were true, we did not mind which God was giving us although I felt we were headed for another boy because I had not had any morning sickness throughout the first two pregnancies and this one was just the same.
God gave us
God gave us
and all through her life she has been as happy with her name as I was with mine
maybe especially because
her name means
And don't you think that Jonathan, Daniel and Linda sounds really good?
Our children are now all in their 30's and we truly feel their names suited them perfectly.
We are so thankful that we can even trust God to give us the correct names for our children.
But then we do know that He cares about everything single thing about them.
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