
Acts Chapter 21 - The Journey to Jerusalem

Sometimes we just have to stop somewhere and this happened to Paul and his companions at the start of chapter 21 even though as we saw in chapter 20  Paul's Goal  he was set to get to Jerusalem quickly.

They had to stop at Tyre because the ship they were sailing on had to stop there.

When we had sighted Cyprus, we passed it on the left, sailed to Syria, and landed at Tyre; for there the ship was to unload her cargo. 

Similar to other times they found people to fellowship with and through prophetic ministry Paul was advised not to go to Jerusalem.

And finding disciples, we stayed there seven days. They told Paul through the Spirit not to go up to Jerusalem. 

Did this change Paul's mind?

No, at the end of those 7 days in Tyre they headed off once more by ship.

Some time later verse 8 tells us they had arrived at Caesarea

 and entered the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven, and stayed with him. 

The Philip here is one of the Wise & Respected Men we talked about in Acts Chapter 6.  This differenciates the Philip here from Philip who was one of the twelve disciples with Jesus and later referred to as the Apostles.

This is also the Philip from Acts Chapter 8 Good Out of Evil who met the Ethiopian and explained about Jesus from the Old Testament, going on to baptize him in water right where they were.

Then there is something new that we are told about Philip is in verse 9

Now this man had four virgin daughters who prophesied. 

What do we learn from this short statement?

1.  He had 4 daughters.
2.  The 4 daughters mentioned were not married so still at home under his influence.
3.  These 4 daughters were used by the Holy Spirit in prophecy.

What do we not learn from this short statement?

1.  The number of sons he had.
2.  The number of daughters he had who were married.
3.  The number of daughters he had who were not used in prophecy.
4.  That these 4 daughters were recognised as prophets in the church.

We must always be careful not to read something into scripture that is not there.

I mentioned previously in A Godly Couple  Chapter 18  how some people like to say the wife was the leader of the this couple and also headed up one of the churches but it never actually says this in the Bible and here again there are people who say that because of this little verse about Philip's 4 daughters we have proof that women were recognised as prophets in the early church.

However we do have proof that Agabus who now arrives to Philip's home is a prophet in the church because verse 10  specifically states it.

There is something more important that happened while they were with Philip as we read in verses 10 & 11

10 And as we stayed many days, a certain prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. 11 When he had come to us, he took Paul’s belt, bound his own hands and feet, and said, “Thus says the Holy Spirit, ‘So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt, and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.’”

Would this change Paul's mind from Jerusalem?

No even though everyone there tried to talk him out of going his reply was clear in verse 13

13 Then Paul answered, “What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.”

What a change in the determination of this man who we first met in chapters 7 & 8  when he wanted to persecute the believers and now when he is ready and willingly to be persecuted himself for being a believer.

The change in the determined mind of Paul.

So they got ready and went off to Jerusalem.

17 And when we had come to Jerusalem, the brethren received us gladly. 18 On the following day Paul went in with us to James, and all the elders were present. 19 When he had greeted them, he told in detail those things which God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry. 20 And when they heard it, they glorified the Lord.

Yes Paul has made it to Jerusalem.



What God is Doing: Old Testament Object Lessons for Kids - Book Review

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I was very excited when I saw that this book was being written.

Then I was even more excited when I was given the opportunity to review a free copy from the author Anne Marie Gosnell

Anne Marie blogs at Future Flying Saucers  and I had dropped in to her blog on and off during the last few years so I was somewhat familiar with her work.

I'm often happy to see new materials for Children's Work but also I'm often disappointed because they are very costly and because they are just so apparently appealing to look at but when you get down to reading and reading and reading everything that is written for each lesson they are not as appealing at all.

As a Kids Church leader for more than 40 years I have always been on the lookout for new materials that are kid friendly and teacher friendly as it does make a difference if both sides involved are really hooked by the products for the best reasons.

For me as a teacher, mother and grandmother those reasons have always been good solid Bible teaching in a way that is easy for me to work with and to encourage others to work with.  I need to know that it is not difficult to get materials to follow someone's lesson plan or to remember just how to make these materials fit in with the Bible Truth I'm teaching.

For the children the products we use need to be entertaining without distracting from the lesson and relevant so that it is the Bible message they go out remembering rather than just the visuals or fun time they have had.

Teachers for Sunday School and Kid's Church etc. are usually people who want to teach the Bible Truths but do not have days and days to read and prepare for each lesson they teach.

We need good, brief, to the point, easy to follow lessons that we know we will actually feel competent about doing with our children.
We do not want to find that the materials we are expected to use will involve us spending hours in shops trying to find.

This book is definitely in the former category and not the latter.

Here we have a product that is easy to follow, not complicated to put into practice and will certainly entertain but throughout it the Word of God is obviously at the centre and there will be no doubt that the children are pointed towards what God is doing in the Old Testament and therefore also to what Jesus has done for us all.

Looking for more info?
Then head on over to  What God is Doing: Old Testament Object Lessons for Kids

Oh and did I forget to mention there are beautiful posters to accompany 
each of the
25 Object Lessons.  

I can envisage this book being used to form the main part of a Children's Church lesson, or a Sunday School lesson or as the Bible Truth for Messy Church or a Kid's Craft Day.


I can also envisage using this book with my grandchildren in the years to come.

Interested in purchasing?

Then head on over to

I received a free copy of this ebook, however this review has been written not because I was obliged to do so but because  I know I will use this book with my grandchildren as well as with children from church.
Also if buying on Amazon I get a little commission but that does not mean any extra expense to you.


Acts Chapter 20 (contd.) - Paul's Goal

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In the last post in this series we were in the middle of chapter 20  A Short Eventful Visit  in a place called Troas but their stay there was only for 7 days so they were now travelling once again.

verses 13 - 16

They all moved on together by boat and obviously Paul's destination was to be Jerusalem.

16 For Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus, so that he would not have to spend time in Asia; for he was hurrying to be at Jerusalem, if possible, on the Day of Pentecost.

So the question is - does he make it there in time for Pentecost?

verses 17 - 38

Although Paul wanted to sail past Ephesus we now see in verse 17 that he had stopped in his journey in Miletus and wanted to speak with the elders from the Ephesians church.

They came to meet with him and while he was talking with them we have a very significant statement in verses 22 - 23

22 And see, now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that will happen to me there, 23 except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and tribulations await me. 

Paul was certain that The Spirit of God was urging him towards Jerusalem, even though this was not a place he would want to go to or that anyone else would want him to go to because there had been ministry through the Holy Spirit indicating the hard time that would await him there.

Why was he still eager to go to Jerusalem?

The answer is in the next verse

24 But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.

The answer consists of a few things:

  • Nothing he already knows is swaying him away from Jerusalem.
  • His physical life is not important.
  • He wants to finish his earthly life and meet His Saviour with Joy.
  • His life should be a testimony to the Grace of God.

He had a goal set before him to finish his race well.

Do we have a goal to finish this race of life well?

He also wanted to forge on regardless of what lay ahead and of the things he would be leaving behind as verse 25 tells us there would be many people he would not see again on this earth.

25 “And indeed, now I know that you all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, will see my face no more.

But from his words in verses 26 - 31 it was clear that he knew he had done what God had wanted him to do.

He had led, taught and prepared the people well for the future so that no matter what trials, tribulations came to the church they would be able to stand against them because they could remember Paul's teaching.

 26 Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men. 27 For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God. 28 Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God[c]which He purchased with His own blood. 29 For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. 30 Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. 31 Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears.

Paul felt at this stage that no-one could hold him accountable for others not knowing the Gospel of Jesus because he had taught everything God had given him to teach.

This is a sobering thought to apply to ourselves

This is a sobering thought to apply to ourselves.

Have we always used the opportunities we have been given 
to share the Gospel?

Have we always used the knowledge we have of God's Word 
to help others from being led astray?

Have we been good witnesses of Jesus 
so that we have no regrets when we have no time left?

Having then gone on to pray for these elders, they say their goodbyes and Paul departs by ship again.

However we need to continue in the following chapters of Acts to see if Paul gets to Jerusalem in time for Pentecost.

Interested to know more about the Book of Acts?
Then Try these commentaries

Or this Bible Study

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Acts chapter 20 - A Short Eventful Visit

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The start of another chapter today and we have reached chapter 20.

We actually need to go back just for a few verse of chapter 19 first because it continues straight into chapter 20.

We last looked at the verse up to 28 and left off just as the riot in Ephesus was starting

These people involved in the complaint about Paul and the harm his words could bring to their businesses around the idols were Gentiles.

In verse 29 we see how bad it got and the risk it was to Paul's safety.

29 So the whole city was filled with confusion, and rushed into the theatre with one accord, having seized Gaius and Aristarchus, Macedonians, Paul’s travel companions. 30 And when Paul wanted to go in to the people, the disciples would not allow him. 

2 of the disciples were caught by the crowd.
The other disciples kept Paul away from the danger that was recognised and then another person called Alexander is the one to have enough influence to calm the crowd.

Alexander was representing the Jews because this riot may have got so out of hand that it would have ended up not just the Silversmiths etc. against Paul and the other believers but between the Jews and the Gentiles.

His advice was simply  -  do not cause trouble here in the streets but if any of you have a lawful greivance then take it to the courts.

So now into chapter 20

verses 1 - 6

As soon as the he could Paul left and travelled to Macedonia and then on to Greece for 3 months.

After that he intended to go to Syria but the Jews were plotting against him so he decided to go through Macedonia instead headed for Troas

Who went with him?

Well some people went ahead of him and some travelled with him

 And Sopater of Berea accompanied him to Asia—also Aristarchus and Secundus of the Thessalonians, and Gaius of Derbe, and Timothy, and Tychicus and Trophimus of Asia. These men, going ahead, waited for us at Troas.

and some travelled with him

But we sailed away from Philippi after the Days of Unleavened Bread, and in five days joined them at Troas, where we stayed seven days.

Timothy was named in the former group and from the use of the word "us" in the latter group we know it included Luke.

Also an indication again about how how the number of disciples learning from Paul was growing all the time.

verses 7 - 12

While at Troas we get the miracle that is well-known about the boy falling out of the window.

Luke sets the scene here so that we know the poor boy had been there a long time and that it was now evening time by the words of verse 8

There were many lamps in the upper room where they were gathered together. 

He certainly would not have wasted words mentioning lamps if he did not mean to let us know that those lamps were being used.

I have been in long meetings in the past and they are always for a specific reason and that is to hear as much as you can about the Word of God from someone you respect.

These days we complain if the speaker goes over 20 mins in a Sunday morning worship service but when there are times of teaching we do expect longer sessions but not as long as this meeting in Troas.

I also have known of people to fall asleep in short meetings even when they have been trying hard to listen so I have no trouble in picturing this scene and also do not blame the young man for being so tired or Paul for preaching so long.

But I have never been in a meeting where someone has died.

This is something that must have brought such distress and shock to the crowd in the room.

God however had something else planned and that was to show His miraculous power over death.

Some people may have said Paul put him to sleep but God used Paul to bring him back to life.

Another instance where there was great rejoicing.

12 And they brought the young man in alive, and they were not a little comforted.

Some people may have said Paul put him to sleep but God used Paul to bring him back to life.

Interested to know more about the Book of Acts?
Then Try these commentaries

Or this Bible Study

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3 Christmas Stockings - A Dose of Encouragement

Something that has come out each year to decorate our home at Christmas are 3 red & white Christmas Stockings.

I can't remember exactly when we got them (it may have been during our three years living in the US) but it was a long long time ago and even though our 3 children are all grown up and living in various countries Fred & I would still hang them up and fill them.

The kids laughed at us for doing this but I have never seen them refuse the little bits and pieces that were placed inside for them like Toblerone bars,  boxes of Maltesers,  Smarties,  etc.

Yes we all like chocolate in this family.

They also think we are very predictable because of what would be shaken out of these stockings except for the couple of different little non-edible surprises each year but as I said before - We all like chocolate in this family.

Of course now we have added a daughter-in-law and a son-in-law to the family so they get the same treatment as our two sons and daughter but we use Gift Bags instead of the three stockings which now are hung up simply as decorations.  Hung up mostly to remind us of the old days as we can be a sentimental lot in our family too - okay - I can be sentimental.

It is good to look back and think of previous Christmases, about the happy times and the family as it grew and the coming together with others at that special time and to look now at these three stockings and say "Yes, once we were a family with 3 children and now we have grown."

Of course when we say grown we don't just mean in number from 5 to 10 because of the three grandchildren or in size because yes our boys are tall like their dad but also grown in maturity.

When we look back at these 3 stockings now we thank God for how our children have matured in their relationships with God as well.

So often Christmas is a time of what we want NOW when we think of presents and food but we need to focus back on Why we actually have Christmas each year.

We do need to be predictable and think about the same things each Christmas.

Why do we actually have Christmas each Year?

Christmas is the remembering back to Who came to earth and Why He came.

Jesus came as a baby to live and grow to be the man who was also God, the only one who could then take on our sin and punishment to be our Saviour.

Looking at our 3 stockings our prayer is that our three children and all their families (even those yet to come) will know Who came to earth that first Christmas and Why He came.


Acts Chapter 19 (contd.) - The Influence of Paul

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Continuing on in chapter 19 of Acts today we move on to see the influence Paul had in three different situations.

We left off in verse 7 with Paul still in Ephesus in Questions are Important  and now we see he spends a lot more time there.

verses 8 - 10

This tells us about the boldness of Paul when he went into the synagogue over a period of 3 months to teach the people.

The result however was that people were hardened to the message and spoke badly of Paul and Christianity so that he and the disciples that were with him moved on to The School of Tyrannus (still in Ephesus) where he stayed for 2 years daily speaking and reasoning about the Lord.  It looks like there may now have been more than Luke, Timothy and Silas as disciples along with Paul from the way the verse is worded.

This led to another result found in verse 10

10 And this continued for two years, so that all who dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks.

I think we can say that this was a great result - such a spread of the Gospel.

Perseverance and dedication and the truth bring the right results.

verses 11 - 20

Here now is an instance where we read about the miracles that God did through Paul.  People obviously recognised the power that was at work and sought out healing especially.

But there were others who wanted to try to use this work of the Spirit to benefit themselves even though they were not believers.

It is in this passage that we see how evil spirits can recognise the true power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of the believers in Christ; but there is no power in unbelievers that evil spirits will have to recognise or obey as we read the following in verse 15

15 And the evil spirit answered and said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; 
but who are you?”

The result from this was that the unbelievers were at the power of the evil spirits instead of the other way around.

Do we even realise the authority we have as believers?

What authority do we have?

We need to make sure we do not get the wrong idea here so the best thing to do is check this with other Scripture.  (Remember the Bereans in chapter 17  Daily Scriptures)

Let's look at the Great Commission in Matthew chapter 28 verses 18 - 20

18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

All authority has been given to Jesus and so He commands us to go and make disciples with The Holy Spirit in our lives so that we have the power of Jesus still with us.

We are not in charge and we are not powerful the only thing we can do is let the The Holy Spirit work through us as we obey God and tell others about him.

So this altercation between the unbelievers trying to use the name of Paul to do the same miracles that he did was then obviously talked about everywhere in Ephesus but even though it may have seemed like a victory for the devil the result was really that Glory was brought to God.

17 This became known both to all Jews and Greeks dwelling in Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.

Great changes were made in peoples lives and nothing stopped the spread of God's Word.

20 So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed.

The right influence works wonders.

verses 21 - 41

We are still in Asia with Paul to see some more of his influence here.

21 When these things were accomplished, Paul purposed in the Spirit, when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem, saying, “After I have been there, I must also see Rome.” 22 So he sent into Macedonia two of those who ministered to him, Timothy and Erastus, but he himself stayed in Asia for a time.

verse 22 mentions two of the people who ministered with Paul so this would agree with the impression from above that there were now more disciples along with Paul than we had previously known about.

Now Paul sends Timothy and Erastus to Macedonia -  an example of 2 people who he has discipled becoming leaders themselves, obviously going to help the believers in Macedonia that we heard about in previous chapters and hence now themselves going to be discipling others.
More of the influence of Paul.

What hint are we having about the future for Paul here?

He feels he should go to Jerusalem again and then later on to Rome.

But for the moment he stays in Ephesus in Asia where it is evident from verse 26 that some people do not like the influence he has had on the people there and in other parts of Asia

26 Moreover you see and hear that not only at Ephesus, but throughout almost all Asia, this Paul has persuaded and turned away many people, saying that they are not gods which are made with hands.

There was very widespread influence of Paul here that some people were getting very annoyed and there was a lot of tension in the community.

The silversmiths and others involved in the manufacturing of idols are seeing people believing in Jesus and turning away from the gods they had previously worshipped particularly the Goddess Diana and this was seriously effecting their businesses so there was a riot in Ephesus.

The story of Paul continues......

Interested to know more about the Book of Acts?
Then Try these commentaries

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Acts Chapter 19 - Questions Are Important.

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Today we are starting into chapter 19 of Acts.

We briefly heard about Apollos in chapter 18 in A Godly Couple (the previous blog post in this series), when Aquila & Priscilla met him and helped him.

It seems as if he and Paul are travelling in different directions and we have no mention of them having met yet.

So today we are back with Paul who now has come back to Ephesus and there meets 12 men who are described as disciples.

But who were they disciples of?

verses 1 - 7

The interesting thing here is that Paul needs to ask some very important questions.

The first one is found in verse 2

He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? 

and in the same verse we have their answer

And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.

Now I have to mention here that at a certain time in my life if I had been asked this question my answer would not have been too dissimilar to their's.
I was brought up in a church where the work of The Holy Spirit was not taught about in Sunday School or not immediately obvious in the sermons (which I did try to listen to as a young teenager) but I had heard mention of The Holy Spirit in the Bible and at one youth meeting I had gone to in a different church.

So yes I knew there was a Holy Spirit but I was not knowledgeable about the work of The Holy spirit.

These 12 men had no idea at all about the Holy Spirit.
They really were missing out on knowing about the Triune God.

So Paul asks another Question in verse 3

And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? 

and again they answer him in the same verse

And they said, Unto John's baptism.

Perhaps they had been converts from the ministry of Apollos as we read about his lack of full knowledge of the gospel and how Aquila & Priscilla had helped him learn more.

So in verse 4 Paul explained that their baptism was because they had learnt about their need of repentance but they also needed to know about the Saviour who had come after John and was the one they needed to believe in.  (Reminds me once again of that favourite verse of mine in Act 16 v 31 - Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, and all you household.)

We do not know just how much Paul said to them but we do know that after listening to Paul about Jesus there is the correct response and obedience from the 12 men in verse 5

When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Obedience is always a sign of true belief.

But Paul did not leave them with just knowledge and understanding of the Holy Spirit about which he had first asked them.

They had now heard the full Gospel but he knew that they needed the experience as well.

And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.

What a day for these 12 men

  • Full understanding of the Gospel of Jesus
  • True belief and obedience to God
  • Baptism in the Name of Jesus 
  • Baptism in the Holy Spirit

A great example of the importance of questions and of course the right questions to get the clear picture in all circumstances.  We can never presume what another person thinks or knows or fully understands.

Interested to know more about the Book of Acts?
Then Try these commentaries

Or this Bible Study

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Three Act Tragedy - Book Review

I am reading through the novels of Agatha Christie in the order in which they were written and writing a review on each one.

Three Act Tragedy



At an apparently respectable dinner party, a vicar is the first to die…
Thirteen guests arrived at dinner at the actor’s house. It was to be a particularly unlucky evening for the mild-mannered Reverend Stephen Babbington, who choked on his cocktail, went into convulsions and died.
But when his martini glass was sent for chemical analysis, there was no trace of poison – just as Poirot had predicted. Even more troubling for the great detective, there was absolutely no motive…

My Thoughts

This is the 23rd book by Agatha Christie and the 10th Poirot Mystery

Not one of my favourites.  Mainly because there is one part of the story line which I either just don't read or follow properly or is not explained properly but I have felt (on the both occasions that I have now read it) is not compatible with the rest of this murder mystery.  

This is one of Miss Christie's books to have multiple murders and speculation of even more murders so there is a lot to take in as we go through this book.

Friends are a feature of this novel too on both the murderer's side and the sleuth's side.

It is indeed a tragedy for more than one person and in more than one way but will bring the reader a great deal of satisfaction if they can not only work out who the murderer is but can work out exactly how it all was orchestrated or performed.

If you would like to know more about this book then click on the title or picture above.

 Here is a link to a list of her novels on Amazon
Books by Agatha Christie

If thinking of reading this book in the future why not pin this pic to go back to later.


Acts Chapter 18 (contd.) - A Godly Couple

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We started chapter 18 of Acts covering the first part in Reactions of People

Now today we will look at the rest of the chapter concentrating on a husband and wife that are mentioned several times in the New Testament.

In fact they have already been mentioned for the first time in verse 2 of this chapter so lets start here and go on to see all the other times we hear about them.

First Meeting in Corinth  -  Acts 18 v 2  

And he found a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla

The "he" in this verse refers to Paul who had arrived in Corinth with we presume Luke (who was documenting his travels) but having left Timothy and Silas in Berea although he did request that they should join him as soon as they could in chapter 17 - The Power & Destruction of Envy

Aquila & Priscilla were new friends for Paul.
They were Italian Jews and had to leave Italy because of the command of Claudius that all Jews were to leave Rome.

Common Interest  -  Acts 18 v 3

So, because he was of the same trade, he stayed with them and worked; for by occupation they were tentmakers.

Aquila & Priscilla were tentmakers.

This is the first time we see the occupation of Paul as we had only known of him as a persecutor of the Christians and now a follower of Christ.

They must have been a hospitable couple because it states Paul stayed with them and they must also have been generous to share their work with him.

Presumably Timothy and Silas stayed there too when they rejoined Paul and Luke later.

Travelling Together to Syria  -  Acts 18 v 18  

18 So Paul still remained a good while. Then he took leave of the brethren and sailed for Syria, and Priscilla and Aquila were with him.

I have read elsewhere that it is thought that Paul was in Corinth for about 18 months and then left for Syria.  Obviously Aquila and Priscilla had become close friends with him then as they decided to sail to Syria with him.  I don't think he would have wanted them to join him if they had not been of a very similar mind-frame as him.

Acts 18 v 19  -  They Remain in Ephesus

19 And he came to Ephesus, and left them there; 

However they did not continue the whole trip with Paul as they stayed in Ephesus while Paul journeyed on to Antioch in Syria.  We are not given a reason for the couple staying in Ephesus but we do know that they were meant to be there as they had a distinct role to play later.

They Discipled Appollos  -  Acts 18 v 24 - 28 

24 Now a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus. 25 This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things of the Lord, though he knew only the baptism of John. 26 So he began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Aquila and Priscilla heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately. 27 And when he desired to cross to Achaia, the brethren wrote, exhorting the disciples to receive him; and when he arrived, he greatly helped those who had believed through grace; 28 for he vigorously refuted the Jews publicly, showing from the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ. 

Aquila and Priscilla both spoke with Apollos and helped him to understand and gain knowledge that was missing in his preaching of the Gospel.  They explained more to him and made sure he had an accurate understanding so that he would then work better for God.
How do we know for certain that Apollos really benefited and grew in understanding from this encounter?
Well when he wanted to travel to Achaia the christians in Ephesus wrote to commend him to the Christians in Achaia and verse 27 clearly tells us that he was of good help there and could stand in defence of Jesus in the scriptures against the Jews.

I have seen where some people like to bring out Priscilla as a teacher of men here but I feel this is not the right way to see the passage or to use the passage.
There are people who say that some of the times Aquila and Priscilla are mentioned in the Bible, Priscilla's name is put first and that this points to her taking the lead and being a stronger teacher and preacher than her husband.  However this argument cannot be made at this point as it is clear from the verses above that Aquila's name comes first in this meeting and time of teaching.  In fact only once so far has Priscilla's name come first and that was in stating that they sailed with Paul.

No more mention is made of them in the book of Acts but we do find a few more references elsewhere.

Romans 16 v 3

Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, who risked their own necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles. Likewise greet the church that is in their house.

Here in Romans we read about the couple again.  This time Priscilla's name is written first with no reference here to teaching but instead of being Paul's co-workers and of their bravery and the thanks the converted Gentiles owed them.  

It is also mentioned that a church met in their house so we can presume that they had some oversight for that, again showing them working as a couple.

It is good to work together for God.

1 Corinthians 16 v 19 

19 The churches of Asia greet you. Aquila and Priscilla greet you heartily in the Lord, with the church that is in their house.

Here they are mentioned by Paul as sending greetings to the church in Corinth which was the first place Paul met and worked with them.

2 timothy 4 v 19

19 Greet Prisca and Aquila, and the household of Onesiphorus.

The last time we read of them in the New Testament is in this small mention where Paul wishes to have Timothy greet them for him which shows he was still thinking of them fondly years later.

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