
Old Photos & Memories - Organising My Home

Where do you store your old photos?

Do you have a Memory Box?

Today I'm writing about something that is important to me and probably to everyone. 

Old photos and other items can bring back happy memories and can be something we treasure for a long number of years.


Many years ago I started scanning negatives of old photos and when I don't have the negative of the photo I can scan the actual photo itself.

For this job 3 items are important:

1.  Negative Scanner to scan the negatives 

2.  Computer to scan photos when I don't have the negatives

I'm also planning to use this to scan my wedding photos from 47 years ago

3.  External Hard disc drive to store the digital photos.

I will store them on my computer but I also want to have them in a second location in case anything happens to my computer because I don't want to lose these photos.

A third location will be in the cloud.

But we must not forget that the original photos should be taken care of as well

So we still need all our photo albums and boxes to store and organise those.

But what about other Memories?

1.   If you have audio memories then you'll have them on CDs (cassettes are now getting to be obsolete) or DVDs or Videos which many of us now store on YouTube

That is another thing for my ToDo List  -  Transfer our recordings from cassette & CD to MP3s

Fred & I have also made many sing-a-long videos of Kids Songs (some I have written and others we have know for years) for our grandkids as memories of us and of their childhood growing up with us always singing and then of course we have been able to use them for Sunday School work.  
These are stored on Fred's YouTube Channel


2.  You may have large special pictures framed so they need to go on the wall

Like the picture of the last home we had in Londonderry - a house we designed ourselves - with the 3 kids out washing the car.

 3.  You may have stickers on a suitcase - reminders of good holidays and places you have travelled to.

4.  You may have certificates of achievements, or other things on sheets of paper

They will need to be filed away to be kept safely.

 5.  You may have large hard to store items like my Nephew Lee who carried the torch in his hometown for the London Olympics.  I wrote more about that in  Olympic Torch Run


Or my husbands Didgeridoo which he brought back from our Anniversary trip to Australia.
(You can see it propped up against the roll-top desk in the picture above.)

 For this type of item you need a large glass cabinet or some type of stand because you don't want it to be hidden away, you want it to be on display and kept safely.  We have not done as we would advise with this object.

6.  What about the smaller objects that bring back happy memories - small sporting trophies, small souvenirs from trips abroad or perhaps like me you have a few things that belonged to grandparents or parents who are no longer with us.

These types of things decorate my Study shelves and the grandkids often ask questions about them.

7.  If you have old letters you want to keep then you will need a box or some type of storage where the pages will be kept flat and not get crumpled.

I use my stationery box for my old letters because of its vertical sections.

8.  You may also be like me and like to keep cards your family have given you over the years and this is a box I got because it had butterflies on it and I Love Butterflies but also because it has separators inside (was meant for recipe cards I think) and it is ideal for cards.

 9.  You may have smaller objects like tickets or postcards or newspaper clippings etc. that you need to keep in a Memory Box.

I have three Memory boxes in use and full already

my wooden Ark decorated one -  I wrote about my love of all things Ark in I Love Arks

my wooden one with the kind of tapestry inserts,

and my wooden case type box with its metal handle.

10.  Some of those things that cause our sweet memories could go in scrapbooks and I have already done this for one topic and do intend to make more scrapbooks of specific times (both in actual solid scrapbooks and digitally) but that will take up more time later.



We can keep a notebook as a journal of the things we do as often as we wish, or the things our children are doing, or now the grandkids.

For example I wish I had thought to write down somewhere the date of the day I became a Christian because I was young then and don't remember exactly what age I was.  

Nowadays I would write important things like that in my journal and then always be able to look back in that collection of books to refresh my memory as I did for our years in America and our years in Belgium and now have recently started again.

Some day I will have all my memories completely neatly sorted into all these places.

Where do you keep your memories?


Who is Jesus? The Titles of Jesus from John Ch.1 - A Dose of Encouragement

Who is Jesus?

Today I thought I would have a short study looking at the titles we find for Jesus in just one chapter of 
the Bible.

That chapter is in the Gospel of John in the
New Testament


Let's Look at the Gospel of John chapter 1

The first 2 verses tell us that Jesus is 

The Eternal Word

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, 
and the Word was God.

He was in the beginning with God."

Verse 3 tells us that Jesus is 

The Creator

"All things were made through Him, 
and without Him nothing was made that was made."

Verse 4 tells us that Jesus is 

The Life

"In Him was life," 
"and the life was the light of men."

Verses 4 & 5 tell us that Jesus is 

The Light

"and the life was the light of men.

And the light shines in the darkness, 
and the darkness did not comprehend it."

Now lets look at verses 6 - 9 


we read here how there was to be no confusion that John the Baptist was this light - no Jesus is

The True Light

Then in verse 10 

we read again of Jesus as The Creator

Verses 12 & 13 tell us that Jesus is 

The Adopter of Believers into the Family of God 

"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God,
to those who believe in His name:
who were born, not of blood,
nor of the will of the flesh,
nor of the will of man,
but of God."

Verses 14 - 18  

Verse 14 again tells us that Jesus is The Word

Verses 14 and 18 both point us to Jesus as The Only Begotten Son

Going further on in this chapter we hear from John the Baptist who declares that Jesus is    The Lamb of God

John chapter 1 verse 29

   "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him,              and said, "Behold! The Lamb of God who             takes away the sin of the world!"

John the Baptist also spoke of Jesus in verse 34
where he said

   "And I have seen and testified that this is
the Son of God"

So John also called Him The Son of God

We also read of John again calling Him The Lamb of God in verse 36

 "And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, 
"Behold the Lamb of God""

Verses 40 - 42  

The next day we find the first disciples Andrew and Peter being chosen.  
Andrew met Jesus and then told his brother Simon (Peter) that Jesus is The Messiah (Christ)
and then he brought him to Jesus.

One of the two who heard John speak, and followed Him, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. 
He first found his own brother Simon, 
and said to him, 
“We have found the Messiah” 
(which is translated, the Christ). 
And he brought him to Jesus.

A few verses later in verse 49 we read of Nathaniel having the revelation of Jesus as the Son of God and The King of Israel when he met Him

Nathanael answered and said to Him, 
“Rabbi, You are the Son of God! 
You are the King of Israel!

The Last Title we read in this chapter is spoken by Jesus himself in verse 51 in response to Nathaniel

And He said to him, 
“Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.”

Who is Jesus? - Summary

We can see here the 17 times where 
Jesus was given a descriptive title
in the first chapter of the Gospel of John.

Jesus Is:

The Eternal Word
The Creator
The Life
The Light
The True Light
The Creator
The Adopter of Believers into the Family of God
The Word
The Only Begotten Son
The Only Begotten Son
The Lamb of God
The Son of God
The Lamb of God
The Messiah (Christ)
The Son of God
The King of Israel
The Son of Man

Throughout this passage we see 
11 individual Titles for Jesus

The Word
The Creator
The Life
The Light
The Adopter of Believers
The Only Begotten Son
The Lamb of God
The Son of God
The Messiah
The King of Israel
The Son of Man

8 Titles were spoken by 
the Disciple John
the author of this Gospel

The Eternal Word
The Creator
The Life
The Light
The True Light
The Word
The Adopter of Believers
The Only Begotten Son

 2 Titles were spoken by
John the Baptist

The Lamb of God
The Son of God

1 Title was spoken by Andrew

The Messiah

2 Titles were spoken by Nathaniel

The Son of God 
The King of Israel


1 Title was spoken by Jesus

The Son of Man

All the Titles in order as proclaimed by

The Disciple John
John the Baptist

The Eternal Word (v1-2)
The Creator (v3)
The Life (v4)
The Light (v4-5)
The True Light (v9)
The Creator (v10)
The Adopter of Believers (v12-13)
The Word (v14)
The Only Begotten Son (v14)
The Only Begotten Son (v18)
The Lamb of God (v29)
The Son of God (v34)
The Lamb of God (v36)
The Messiah (v41)
The Son of God (v49)
The King of Israel (v49)
The Son of Man (v51)