There was a big event!
Yes there was a special event for our family and at that event there were many pictures taken but one of the ones I love the best was a selfie which got photobombed.
Yeah in the middle of a very special event 3 of our kids were cramming close together taking a selfie when the fourth one photobombed it and it came out great.
Well that's my family
Our daughter Linda on the left,
our son Daniel in the middle
with his new wife Suzie on the right.
It was actually taken at the reception on their wedding day.
Oh yes the one who photobombed it is our son Jonathan.
It simply could not have turned out better if it had been planned.
When I got my hands on the picture I got it on the iPad and could not resist framing it in an app.

This is the picture of Daniel the boy in our family who at one stage did everything he could to make sure he was not in a photo during some of his teenage years but here he is centre stage.
This is the picture of Linda who when she was very young won a child photo competition and was known for several years as the poser in the family because every time we wanted to take a photo she really posed - she did go on to study Drama at University but then decided to go into Creative Writing.
This is the picture of Jonathan who is like me and so often blinked at just the wrong moment for our photos that we would have to retake them yet now he takes selfies all the time and makes videos of himself teaching church doctrine on You Tube.
And this is the picture of Suzie who had come in to our family in the few years before this event and just fits right in there.
Why did it turn out so well?
I think it was because we were all so happy that day that we all had constant smiles on our faces, natural smiles, so even though they were taking a selfie which means that you are conscious of getting each other in the frame they were just so happy it came over in the picture.
I think it is amazing how Jonathan managed to get in at just the right time and in just the right position when it all happened so quick that they hardly knew what had actually taken place.
I believe that God gives us little special things that can mean more than the big things we think we want.
I look at this picture and I see 4 happy young people who love each other and love God
and they love Fred & I too - at least that's what they say in the cards they send us
and on the phone calls and the facetimes.
And of course all of that makes Fred & I very happy too every day
and not just at that very special event.
I believe that God has given us the ultimate special thing that means more than any of the things we think we want.
I look at this picture above and I see 2 happy older people who love each other and love God
and what could be more important in life than to know the true love that God has for us that He sent His only Son to make the way for us to come to Him and experience new life eternal and love eternal.
I believe that God has given us family love and is willing to bring us all into the greatest family there could ever be in Heaven if we put our trust and hope in His Son the Lord Jesus.
Thanks for joining me for one of my "I Love" chats in Coffee & Conversation at Sandra's Ark & please drop by again for other posts.