
Songs for Worship #22 - TRUTH

Welcome to this Sunday Series

Previously I wrote a series on
Why We Worship  where I considered an attribute of God each Sunday.

At different times people mentioned to me about a song that a post reminded them of so I thought that I would now go through those attributes again with a song for each one.

I hope you will follow along with me.

            Looking today at 

God is Truth


From everlasting, to everlasting
You are God

Through culture's shifting sands
In holiness You stand secure
And as the nations rise and fall

Unchanged by all the vanities of man
Your sovereignty remains
In faithfulness your love extends

You are, You are,
You are the One True God

Through times of turbulence
In songs of grateful praise

Adopting those who call upon your name
And every generation joins
You are, You are,

You are the One True God

If you would like to see the post from last year that this is based on please click on the graphic below


Christian Songs for Kids - Jesus' Love is Very Wonderful

Do you find it hard to get visuals and recordings for different kids songs?

I have always found this a problem so I am now sharing songs that I have used with children providing you with

(Powerpoint or Picture or details of how you can make one) 

(chords also available)

(mp3 or video to learn the song) 

Then if you would like to download the visual of the song there will be a link provided to my creation, or I will direct you to where else you can find it.   

This month I am taking the theme of

The Love of Jesus

The song I have chosen is 

Jesus' Love is Very Wonderful

I think this is another song that I first learnt through Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) which means I have been singing this one for around 40 years.

Kids love to do the actions for this one as it involves clapping and big arm movements.
Another thing we like to do is sing it a few times and then on the last time really speed it up.

Another great teaching tool for explaining to the children that there is nothing that cannot be encompassed by the love of Jesus.


To Download a copy of this visual for printing on  A4 Card  or  Letter size 




Jesus' Love is very wonderful
Jesus' Love is very wonderful
Jesus' Love is very wonderful
Oh Wonderful Love

It's so high you can't get over it
So low you can't get under it
So wide you can't get round it
Oh Wonderful Love

To Download a copy of these words with chords for guitar and piano 



Jesus' love is very wonderful -  clapping in time to the music
Oh Wonderful Love   -  clapping in time to the music

It's so high you can't get over it  -  Point up repeatedly in time to the music with both hands, arms raised high
So low you can't get under it  -  Reach down and use an underneath motion with both hands repeatedly in time to the music
So wide you can't get around it   -  Swing arms out wide repeatedly in time to the music (making sure that the children are apart enough not to hit each other)
Oh Wonderful Love   -  clapping in time to the music




I believe the Words are by H. W. Rattle but the composer is unknown.

It is copyrighted by Scripture Union
More information can be found HERE

I Hope you enjoy the song and this is a help to you.


An Organised Medicine Cabinet - Organising My Home

Yes I do like to keep my Medicine Cabinet organised so that I can get things quickly and easily.

It is probably one of the best organised things in our home.

But then that kind of storage space is one of the things I enjoy working on when it comes to Organising my home.

I didn't always have a medicine cabinet so I had to think of other easy to get at and easy to keep organised places.

In one house we used part of a vanity unit in the ensuite


in another house we used a couple of shelves in a kitchen cabinet

but this time when we moved back to Northern Ireland in Dec 2010 we moved to a house which had a medicine cabinet over the wash hand basin in the back toilet.

Yes a real medicine cabinet just like I always saw in the films and TV programmes - you know they are tall and shallow out from the wall with a mirror door.

Now if this had been our main bathroom I suppose I would have been tempted to think I would need to use it for Bathroom things - but it is in the back toilet.  This is the small room that is off the utility room and I really think it would have made more sense to use the space as a pantry or large storage closet (because you can never have too much storage space and I do not have enough storage space).

We have an ensuite off our bedroom and an ensuite off the guest bedroom as well as the main bathroom so let's face it this back toilet is never really used as a toilet and who wants to have to clean 4 bathrooms and toilets when mostly there are only two people in the house?  -  NOT ME!

Anyway back to my Medicine Cabinet which makes me happy again.

Twice a year I do an overhaul of this cabinet

and because I do it regularly you can see it is not in bad order.

I check all the dates of the medicines etc. and throw out the ones that are past their date.

(NOTE:  A doctor did tell me once that many medicines can be used for up to 6 months after the date written on them but that it is definitely okay to use them up to 3 months after the date.)

I used to have to literally check each packet for the date every time I would do this but now I use my "Things" app on my ipad to keep a note of the expiry dates (typing these into the app when I put the product into the Medicine cabinet) so I only have to go into the app & use my tag of "medicine cabinet" and I get the list and the dates all in one go.

These will each show in my Todo list 14 days before they are up so I normally will be ready and throw them out as they expire and don't even have to do it all at the overhaul.

I do an inventory of the cabinet.

I have the list of all the items I like to keep in stock, shelf by shelf

I had used ( my other beloved iPad app for making lists) the "Pocket Lists" App for making a full list of everything I would like to have here and because I did it shelf by shelf it makes it really easy to go through.

Which means that now each time all I have to do is tick off all the things I can see on the shelves and whatever is left unticked is obviously missing.  This is due to not knowing when the hubby finishes off something or just something being taken out and not returned.

This happened with the scissors - to cut a long story short they ended up in a bin at a foreign airport.

I make a list of the things that will need to be replenished soon.

In my "Things" App I made a Project list and it just gets changed each time.

Well the list here is not too long this time because on one of my last trips to the chemist I knew roughly what was getting low so had already got some things.

I tidy up what is in the cabinet and decide if I want to make any changes to the position and order of the items.

Sometimes there are different things that have been added if someone needs to have a new medication or you decide to start taking a new vitamin etc.

An Organised Medicine Cabinet in Organising My Home at Sandra's Ark

So the finished cabinet was just a little more uncluttered than to start with and neater.

Of course the few spaces you see will be filled up when I go and get that list of items next week.

You know when you have a cupboard you can easily fill it?

Well I have done that of course and then needed more space so I had to use part of the vanity unit below.

Mostly the things here were really the items that were too large to put in the shallower medicine cabinet or would not sit so well piled up on a narrow shelf so I would have needed another location for them even if the medicine cabinet wasn't filled up.

So bandages etc. in the left hand drawer, extra cotton buds and hand sanitizing wipes in the right hand drawer and the larger heating pad and creams in the right hand cupboard.

And just a wee reminder of my "MUST HAVE" in any kitchen or bathroom

it is

the packet of wipes (and a sponge) in the left cupboard, 

nothing is handier for quick clean ups than wipes.


The How of Mercy - A Dose of Encouragement

Having looked at various aspects of God's Mercy this month including
What is Mercy?  
When can I receive Mercy?  
The Where, Why & Who of Mercy


Not focusing on our guilt because of His Mercy in You're Not guilty Anymore last month

we have now come to the last blog post on Mercy which I hope will make us sit up and pay attention because although we do not earn God's Mercy we do need to do something

              we need to receive it.

Yes we have a choice we can receive it wholeheartedly and believe what God has said or we can never get out of our guilt and remain in a state where we never fully rejoice in His great love for us.

How Do We Obtain this Mercy?

By the Grace of God through Jesus.

Mercy is extended freely to us and even if we don't comprehend how God would ever desire to be so good to us we need to receive this offering.


     We don't even recognize His Mercy

     We don't even realize we need His Mercy

God gives His Mercy but we need to accept it.

That is okay at Salvation - we completely get it then and are so thankful for it then.

But we also need to accept it throughout our Christian walk.

Yes even though we know He is merciful we don’t really take it in properly that He is always merciful to us and we don’t think we can have this beautiful thing He is offering so we don’t accept it and we stay in a state of not forgiving ourselves and feeling unworthy to do anything for Him

1.     We must truly believe He is Merciful.

        None of the

  •         He can't really like the way I still can be?
  •         He couldn't possibly use me for His Glory? 
        Let me tell you He is still merciful even if you have been saved 40 years.

2.     We must not listen to the devil.

        None of the

  •         You can't be forgiven yet again.
  •         You can't believe God has the patience for you

3.     We must listen to the Holy Spirit.
                 Condemnation comes from the devil but encouragement comes from the Holy Spirit

4.     We must read and believe the Bible.
                 This will help us to see the examples of His Mercy and understand it better.

5.     We must know that we are special to God.
                 You must accept it even if you find it hard to understand - You are special to God.

6.     If you believe He wants to save you; you also have to believe He wants to show His Mercy to you.

Mercy is God's but it is also Ours.
We must allow God to show His Mercy.
We must accept His Mercy to live the life He means us to live.
The life where we are not condemned or unworthy to work for Him.
The life that is under His hand and not under the devil's.
The life that can then also extend Mercy to others.

How Should We Show God's Mercy?

By allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us.

Remember the Beattitudes

"Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy." 

Being merciful means to show kindness to everyone and to forgive those who do things that may hurt you. It is realizing that everyone makes mistakes.

One of the great examples to us of mercy in the Bible comes from John 8 v 1-11 
 1 Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.
And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.
And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,
They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.
Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.
And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

 (KJV)  from

Mercy doesn't focus on a person but on a person's need.

Mercy is active compassion to someone in need

mercy banishes revenge

mercy keeps us grounded

it imitates God but disappoints satan

Mercy says "not my will but thine be done"

We do not know better than God

so accept one another as God accepted you.

If we focus on the person we will tend to fall back into the "deserve or earn" way of thinking


God loves us so much with His great love   (Ephesians 2 v 4)

that He is rich in mercy which means   (Psalm 100 v 5)

He has so much mercy for us that He will never run out of it

And this was not just said for the people at the time it was written because it clearly states here that it is everlasting

so rejoice because it means He is still rich in Mercy TODAY toward US.

How can we not be thankful that our God is so generous in 
His Mercy.

The Other Blog Posts in this mini Mercy Series are:
What is Mercy
When Can I Receive Mercy?
Where, Why, Who of Mercy


Songs for Worship #21

Welcome to the Sunday Series

Last year from January to June I wrote a series on
Why We Worship  where I considered an attribute of God each Sunday.

At different times people mentioned to me about a song that a post reminded them of so I thought that I would now go through those attributes again with a song for each one.

I hope you will follow along with me.

                         Looking today at 

God is Self-Sufficient

God doesn't need anyone or anything  -  He can do all things!

God doesn't NEED us - He WANTS us!

I am so thankful for that.

God is Able

God is able

He will never fail

He is almighty God

Greater than all we seek

Greater than all we ask
He has done great things


Lifted up

Defeated the grave

Raised to life

Our God is able
In His name we overcome
For the Lord
Our God is able


God is with us

God is on our side

He will make a way

Far above all we know
Far above all we hope
He has done great things


Lifted up

Defeated the grave

Raised to life

Our God is able
In His name we overcome
For the Lord
Our God is able


God is with us

He will go before

He will never leave us

He will never leave us
God is for us
He has open arms
He will never fail us
He will never fail us


Lifted up

Defeated the grave

Raised to life

Our God is able
In His name we overcome
For the Lord
Our God is able
For the Lord
Our God is able
For the Lord
Our God is able 

If you would like to see the post from last year that this is based on please click on the graphic below