Today I am starting a short Series on
"What are you doing for Christmas?"
"What are you doing for Christmas?"
I love the way Advent starts on a Sunday but this year it is also the start of December and for anyone who knows me really well they will understand that I like things to start at proper sort of starting times, and the first of the month is definitely a proper sort of starting time.
Right now I find that I keep getting emails from different retailers telling me about the most important things about Christmas and what I really should be interested in buying.
Well they just don't tell me anything about the real event we are leading up to during Advent.
They might mention Santa but they hardly ever mention Jesus and when do, they never mention that Jesus is the real life and soul of Christmas.
He's the Reason for Christmas.
I am also very hurt when I see Christmas cards which say "Season's Greetings" because they leave Christmas out so they are leaving Jesus out and anyway I could send a card saying that to someone at any time of the year because we are always in one of the four seasons of the year.
It makes no sense to me at all.
So what am I doing for Christmas today?
I'm finishing off our Christmas Letter and writing Christmas cards for our friends who live all around the world, because I need to get them posted off tomorrow.
I'm also remembering that Advent is about preparing for the coming of Jesus as we celebrate on Christmas and that Advent is about preparing for the time when Jesus will return again.
How am I doing this?
I'm starting a new Bible Reading Plan with You Version called
Good News of Great Joy

And I'm focusing on Jesus who is my Saviour and the Saviour of the world and not focusing on the Season that the world focuses on because the world has
no hope in that Season
but I have Hope in Jesus who is the real
Reason for the Season
In the first week of the reading plan I mentioned above I will be reading about how
- We need to be prepared by preparing our hearts for what God is going to do
- We have Hope because we are part of God's Plan
- We have Hope because God has provided our Salvation in Jesus
- We have Hope because God will provide for us to be in the right place with Him
- We have hope because Jesus came to earth as one of us
- We have hope because Jesus brings Peace
- We have hope because Jesus is The Messiah
I found this short video which also links in with the Hope I have been talking about
I am so thankful we can have this Hope are you?
During Advent I am going to write about what I am doing for Christmas.

"Big Christmas Event"
or the
"Festive treats in store"
Not for me.