Showing posts with label God's love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's love. Show all posts


Thank you God. - Coffee & Conversation

The first thing I thought as I wrote the title for today's post was

           "okay that will probably put some people off reading this post"

But I really hope that it would do the opposite and entice people in because what is better to write about than something which makes you say

"Thank you God"

It all started with me wanting to do this online graphics course and with all that I had learned so far I decided it was time to create a unique picture for my Facebook Timeline.

     So that was my little project yesterday.

I had already found a nice picture free to use by anyone from a site called Pixabay a few days ago and had downloaded it to my computer knowing I would use it for something.  So today I thought of it and set to work to resize it to be the right size for a timeline pic and crop it to get rid of a piece I didn't want in it.

Then I had to think what I wanted to write on it and where to put this text etc.

Well looking at the picture just one thing came to mind and so I proceeded to finish my creation which you can see below.

To me it was obvious with the rainbow reminding me of the promises of God and His love, that the only thing I could write was 

"Thank you God"

What do you think of when you see a rainbow?

Maybe it's because I collect things to do with arks (if you don't believe me see I Love Arks).

Maybe it's because I have led children's meetings for many years and we would often sing the song "Mr Noah built an Ark" which has as the end of the chorus the words

"So whenever you see a rainbow, remember God is Love"

Or Maybe it's because I believe the Bible story of Noah and the Ark with the rainbow as a sign of God's promise to the world.

      But whenever I see a rainbow 

I see the beautiful creation of God and know that He loves me 
and I believe that He keeps His promises. 

And there in that alone I have 3 reasons why I say

 "Thank you God"


3 Kings & A Camel - A Dose of Encouragement

Tonight we had a puppet show at church.

We laughed so hard I nearly cried.

I wish I had taken a video clip because it will be so hard to explain the episode with the camel to someone who was not there.

The three wise men, dressed as kings, were riding along on one camel following the star.

The music had a certain beat to it that meant the puppeteers were jolting the camel & kings along forward for three beats and then flinging their heads backwards on the fourth beat.

A few times of this went okay and then one of the kings flung his head back so hard he lost his crown.

Next time one of the kings almost disappeared as the one in front head-butted him but then to "crown" it all off the next time the camel head-butted the first king which resulted in him head-butting the second king and of course he head-butted the third king making all of them look like they were falling off the camel.

We laughed so hard I nearly cried.

However the main problem lay in the fact that the camel had such a cute looking face that you had to forgive him & love him even if he may have almost killed the 3 kings.

Christmas Card I sent the Church Kids

Afterwards we came to the decision that the grown ups probably laughed louder than the kids.  We went through to have some refreshments and some of us were doing the camel dance (minus the head-butting of course) and saying how we loved the camel.

So what was the result of our Christmas Puppet Show? 

  • Children & adults both had a great time.
  • Laughter brought lots of smiles. 
  • Easy time of chatting with guests in the relaxed atmosphere.
  • Everyone saw & heard the nativity story in a way they won't forget.
  • The teenage puppeteers worked together to tell others the Message of God's Love.

God is so good to us all of the time but often we don't see this and miss out on the great enjoyment we can have in our Christian walk, we forget to smile and enjoy being with others.

Of course just as the verse above says we need to have wisdom and choose good friends and companions.

Perhaps we need to see & hear God's word in a way that we don't want to forget it but rather spread it around so that everyone can hear & see God's Love because God wants us to do that for Him, 

Yes - US - the ones who know it all first-hand.

Here are some other  Doses of Encouragement

Here are some other  Christmas Posts