Showing posts with label God's love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's love. Show all posts


Christian songs for Kids - Love One Another like Sister & Brother

Do you find it hard to get visuals and recordings for different kids songs?

I have always found this a problem so I am now sharing songs that I have used with children providing you with 

Powerpoint or Picture 
or details of how you can make one 

Chords also available

mp3 or video to learn the song 

Then if you would like to download the visual of the song there will be a link provided to my creation, or I will direct you to where else you can find it.   

This month I am taking the theme of


It is very important that our children grow up knowing about the Love of God from an early age and also the command of God that we should all love one another because God loves us.

The song I have chosen is 

 Love One Another like Sister & Brother

Not exactly sure where I first learnt this one but I do know I have been teaching it to children for many years.

It has an easy, catchy tune and very simple actions

The song teaches children that they should love everyone like family and the reason we need to do this is because God wants us to live together in love and care about each other and we learn how to love others from the way He loves us.


Some years ago I started to make Powerpoint Presentations of the many Kids songs I would sing with Kids in church, Sunday School and in Schools and then more recently Fred & I have been making videos using the graphics I had previously used or upgrades of them.

These are the pictures from the Powerpoint Presentation for Love One Another Like Sister & Brother

These can be printed out on cards (A4 or Letter size) and using this type of visual gives me the opportunity to involve 2 children in holding up the cards or I can hold one in each hand.

Download them HERE


Love One Another Like Sister and Brother

Love one another like sister and brother
Cause that's the way it should be
Love one another like sister and brother
Cause that's the way it should be

Cause God loves you
And I love you 
And that's the way it should be
God loves you
And I love you 
And that's the way it should be

To Download a copy of these words with chords for guitar and piano 


Love one another   -   hands held on heart
like sister and brother   -   point around
Cause that's the way it should be   -   clapping
Love one another   -   hands held on heart
like sister and brother   -   point around
Cause that's the way it should be   -   clapping

Cause God   -  point up
loves   -   hands held on heart
you   -   point outward
And I   
point to self
love   -   hands held on heart 
you   -   point outward
And that's the way it should be   -   clapping
God   -  point up
loves   -   hands held on heart
you   -   point outward
And I   
-  point to self
love   -   hands held on heart 
you   -   point outward
And that's the way it should be   -   clapping


I can not find any recordings of this song other than the video that Fred and I made recently which you can watch below:

I Hope you enjoy the song and this is a help to you.

Free Printables - Songs for kids - Love One Another like Sister & Brother

You can find all our Kids Song Videos on our YouTube Channel in the Kids Songs Playlist

If you are interested in finding out about more 

Christian Songs for Kids

SIGN UP HERE for an email reminder of my posts 


I Love Butterflies - A Dose of Encouragement

Where do I begin?

I cannot remember when I was not interested in something which had a butterfly on it.

Most people who know me well will be able to tell you that

 I love Butterflies.

I have Butterfly 

     necklaces,    rings,    scarves     &    brooches

 - not sure how many I have but because of these items many people know I love butterflies 

Over the years my family have bought me scarves, vases, bags and necklaces at Christmas time all decorated with butterflies.

Even the Ladies who came to the International Christian Club of Brussels knew I loved them as I was often found with a butterfly brooch pinned to my jacket.
When I was leaving Belgium to return to live in Northern Ireland I was given a lovely white lace Butterfly brooch from one of these ladies as leaving gift.

Isn't it beautiful?

My daughter even had a mug specially printed for me with butterflies on it for my Birthday one year and I featured it in a humorous blog post called 3 More Coffee Mugs

I have bought myself bags with butterfly designs, clothes with butterflies & room decorations with butterflies.

Then there was the time Fred and I spent a lovely afternoon in our home in Belgium taking pictures of the butterflies that were on a bush just outside our lounge window -  I was going to miss the Butterflies

It just makes me smile to see butterflies around the house and in our garden with our Buddleia (butterfly) bush here in Northern Ireland too and we manage to get some nice pictures of the bush in full bloom

 with butterflies around it each summer.

Why do I love Butterflies?

Because they are beautiful, intricately patterned, delicate creatures.

They are also a great reminder of new birth in that they start as caterpillars and turn into beautiful butterflies.

Just like I was once a person marred by my sin and through God's Love and the Grace of Jesus I was able to experience a new birth and share Christ's beauty.

I love to share about the butterfly in Kids Work that I would do to explain to the children that God offers them a new life in Jesus through His blood because of His Love for them.

Children hear that Jesus died on the cross but they need to know that He did this for them individually and that His beauty can become their beauty.  They need to know that he didn't stay dead but rose again and is still alive today so that they can know He talks to God about them and shares in all their feelings.

Children need to feel loved and secure above all else and Jesus wants them to accept His love and assurance that He will never leave them.

But you and I need to know exactly the same thing.

There is something very important that we all need to know.

You and I need to know we are loved and that we are safe and that there is a God planned future for us.

You and I need to experience this new birth and know that we can be beautiful in the eyes of our creator because of His Son.

There is one last Butterfly I would like to share with you today

This Butterfly sits on the Vanity Unit in our ensuite and I see it every day at the start of my day and the end of my day.

I believe in miracles.

Do you?

The Butterfly is an example of a miracle in that it changes from an ugly creature to a beautiful one.

Can you believe in Jesus and experience Him work this miracle in your life too?


10 Songs about God's Love

This month I had been taking the Theme of Love for many of my posts on the blog so at the same time Fred and I were doing some Facebook Lives on                                Sandra's Ark Facebook Page and Apostolic Worship Facebook Page

We took a Hymn or Song based on Love on 5 different nights to encourage the listeners and to those each night we added either a kids song or a short chorus all of course still around the Love of God. 

So I thought I would also briefly mention something about each hymn or song here


 share the recordings with you all.

1.  I Stand Amazed in the Presence 

Such an old well-known hymn to start us off talking about the Marvellous and Wonderful Love of God.

To this first evening we included 

2.  Jesus Loves Me This I Know

Another old well-known song for kids but let's face it we all still love to sing it.

So why join in with us for these 2 in this video. 

3.  When I think about God's Love

Not an old well-known hymn this time but a newer song written by my husband Fred over a year ago which have used in worship in church several times.
Based on John 3 v 16

To this evening we included a short chorus which was written by a pastor in our denomination many years ago Ps. Hugh Mitchell and you can enjoy them both in this video


4.  Thy Lovingkindness is Better than Life

This is the short chorus that was included in the second evening above but we also recorded it in another video to use for helping people to memorize scripture so you may find it helpful for learning Psalm 63 v 3 where we read that His Lovingkindness is better than life.

5.  Love Divine All Loves Excelling

On our third evening we took another well-known old hymn that we often hear at weddings, this was in fact a request from a friend of ours.

To this evening we included 

6.  Love One Another Like Sister and Brother

A kids song I have done at many Kids clubs and Sunday schools. 

You can hear both in this video.

7.  God So Loved

Our fourth evening took us back to another song relating to John 3 v 16 which is another newer song which we have learned recently and were just about to introduce it to our church. 

This time we then went on to cover an old well-known chorus based on 
Lamentations 3 v 22-23

8.  The Steadfast Love of the Lord Never Ceases

You can learn that new one and sing along with the old one here.

9.  And Can It Be

Our last evening took us back to another old hymn which will ever tell of the great Love of God.

To finish this evening and the week of 10 Songs about God's Love we included another short chorus which is taken straight from the scriptures in 1 John 3 v 1


 10.  Behold What Manner of Love

This was another song we had recorded previously to help people to memorise scripture and you can see that video here.

All of the videos included in this post are available on You Tube at

 Apostolic Worship (God's Love Playlist)  



10 Bible Verses of Encouragement about Love

We all need encouragement and the best place to go is to the Bible.

In this blog post I have tried to gather some Bible passages or Bible verses which will encourage us all around the topic of God's Love.

I do believe that we should not just grab a verse and read it on its own but we should always lift our bibles and read a passage of scripture to make sure that we know the real meaning and context of each of the verses we are putting our trust in. 

I pray that you will do the same and only use this list to guide you as to where you may find help.

So here are 10 Bible verses or short passages for us to turn to in times when we need to be encouraged about Love 

1.   Zephaniah 3 v 17    

Perhaps this is the first thing we need to let God do

-  quiet us with His love


2.   Deuteronomy 6 v 5

God instructed His people about loving HIM from the beginning.

And God has not changed so His Word to us does not change.

3.   Leviticus 19 v 18

God also instructed His people about loving OTHERS from the beginning

"You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbour as yourself: I am the Lord."

Yes it's not just a command in the New Testament.

4.   John 13 v 34

God's love may be for us but we have to remember that God does not expect us just to receive His love and keep it to ourselves.

God loves us because He is Love but He also loves us so that we can love others and in fact it is a command.

5.   John 3 v 16 

Always considered a verse about Salvation but it is also one of the best verses to show us this great love of God

the Love that caused everything else to be and gave us the only way to become His children

6.   1 John 4 v 18 

The only perfect love is the love of God and fear cannot exist where that perfect love is.    

7.   1 Chronicles 16 v 34

What have we got the example of from way back in the Old Testament?

To give thanks to God for His goodness which is the result of His everlasting Love.

8.   Proverbs 10 v 12

There is always wisdom to be learned in the book of Proverbs.

The Love of God led to the death of Jesus for our sins against the hate the enemy has towards God and us.

Let us remember that we can show God's Love instead of hate to all people. 

9.   Psalm 36 v 7

It is important that we realise, understand, acknowledge, and be thankful for His great love - it will help us to trust in Him more.

10.   1 Corinthians 16 v 14



What better way to finish than by remembering this admonition by the Apostle Paul at the end of his first letter to the Church at Corinth.