This Sunday's Scripture on God's Love is Romans 5:8
As I read through this one I thought of the 6 Question Words as I call them when teaching English as a second language.
Who, Where, What, When, Why & How.
So that's how I want to look at this verse today.
Who's Love? It's God's Love.
Who to? Us. Everyone because all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.
How? By giving His Son to die in our place.
When? While we were in our sin. When we were separated from God.
Why? There was no other way. No other substitute would have been good enough.
Where? On the cross at Calvary.
What does it show? The perfect Love. The perfect sacrifice.
Who is it for? The Imperfect People.
The Perfect Father
because of His Perfect Love
gave the Perfect Son
as the sacrifice for the Imperfect People.