Again we have come to one of my favourite chapters of Acts.
So much happens in this chapter and a clear Gospel message for us all to use.
We meet some important characters that do help with the advancement of the Gospel.
But for right now I would just like to look at one verse in this chapter which is where all the focus of this chapter should really go.
I have worked with Kids Groups and Sunday Schools for over 40 years and one of the best ways to help children to memorize scripture is through song.
One of the first visualized kids songs I bought was the one that taught this verse.
The song is called
"S A L V A T I O N"
and the first verse of it goes
(spelling out the letters of the word Salvation)
which is just the truth of the Gospel and we should not water it down but remember that it simple and clear - we will not enter God's Presence without His Salvation.
Then the second verse brings in the action we need to take
which is to receive His gift of Salvation because we cannot work to earn it; it is freely offered to us through the death of His son Jesus.
Then the reference of the verse this is all based on and the instruction to
but not just believe in anything, believe in the Lord Jesus.
Even though this may have been a song for children to learn from the message is still the same for all of us no matter what age and throughout all time the message will never change. It is the only way to Heaven, it is the only way to have your sins forgiven as you repent before God and accept His gift of Salvation.
Check out my other posts about the Book of Acts