Showing posts with label Pondering the Psalms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pondering the Psalms. Show all posts


Pondering the Psalms - Psalm 18

Some Sundays I choose a Psalm and write down some brief thoughts on it.

                    Today I'm looking at

Psalm 18 

A Psalm of David

This Psalm falls into 7 parts:

V. 1-3
Acknowledgement of God who was David's Deliverer

V. 4-6
Acknowledgement of God who Heard David's Cry

V. 7-15
Acknowledgement of God who was David's Avenger

V. 16-19
Acknowledgement of God who Delighted in David

V. 20-30
Acknowledgement of God who treated David Justly

V. 31-45
Acknowledgement of God who was David's Support

V. 46-50??

Acknowledgement of God who was worthy to be Exalted above all

This Psalm could be summed up simply by verses 31-32 

Surely we can acknowledge God in the same way
 as David did in this Psalm.

From this Psalm we should always remember that:

We have to be humble to be delivered also for our city to be delivered.   v 27

God will give us the strength for the battle against evil in our city   v 39

 So that the enemy will have to turn away from us  v 40

Because of what God has done and will do in our city we must extol him  v 49

Pondering the Psalms - Psalm 107

Each Sunday I choose a Psalm and write down some brief thoughts on it.

Today I'm looking at Psalm 107 

This Psalm falls into four parts:

V. 1-3
Thanksgiving to God

V. 4-32
We see a pattern repeated four times

  • The Ungodly Man
  • Turning to God & God's Intervention
  • Following God's Way
  • Goodness of God

V. 33-38
God's Good Hand on Nature
God's Good Hand on Man

V. 39-43
God's Justice & Kindness

This Psalm could be summed up simply by verse 1

Though people do not understand or see God's Hand in this world and in their lives that does not change the fact that He is always there in the world and in our lives 
and we would be wise to accept and acknowledge that.

Then we would understand his love and kindness and let Him change our lives.

Pondering the Psalms - Psalm 146

Each Sunday I choose a Psalm and write down some brief thoughts on it.

Today I'm looking at Psalm 146 

This is one of those Psalms I feel is overlooked at times.

This Psalm falls into five parts:

V. 1-2
When to Praise the Lord.

V. 3-4
Who not to Trust in.

V. 5-7
The Hope we have in the Lord.

V. 8-9
The Deeds of the Lord.

V. 10
The Crescendo!

"When should we praise the Lord?"

When to Praise the Lord.
We must praise Him while we are alive.
Not just some of our years but all the years we live knowing that He is the Lord.

Who not to Trust in.
Oh we should know this but still it has to be mentioned.
Humans are human they are not perfect as God is perfect.
Man has been given life by God and one day each man will lose that life he has been given.
We are finite so can not be the true inspiration for anyone.

The Hope we have in the Lord.
We have true happiness & help when we trust in God because He is our Hope.

The Deeds of the Lord.
Look how much we are told God does just in these few short verses.
He is the Creator, the Truth, the honest Judge, the Provider, the Rescuer, the Healer, the Uplifter of our souls, the Lover of Righteousness, the Carer.
But we must not forget He is also the one who will confront the wicked.

The Crescendo! 
The Psalmist again ends as he started this Psalm with Praise for the Lord.

We are not to choose when or how often we should Praise the Lord.
We are to do it while we live.
While we have breath.

We should start our days with Him in Praise and end them in Praise
to the only one who is worthy of that Praise.

To God be the praise forever and forever!

Pondering the Psalms - Psalm 95

Today I'm looking at Psalm 95 

This is one of Encouragement to come to God with Praise and Worship

This Psalm falls into 5 parts:

V. 1-2
A Call to Praise

V. 3-5
The Reason Why

V. 6
A Call to Worship

V. 7
The Reason Why

V. 8-11
A Prophetic Word of God

"The way to go deeper with God"

A Call to Praise.
The way to come and approach The Lord: singing, joyfully, knowing He is our rock, thankfully, remembering our Salvation.

The Reason Why.
He is a Great God.
He is a Great King.
All of the Earth is His.
All of the Sea is His.
Everything is His.

A Call to Worship.
The way to go deeper with God: with reverence, humility and awe of our Creator.

The Reason Why.
We are His People and He is our God.  He is the one who protects and cares for us.

A Prophetic word of God.
A Reminder not to be like the Israelites in the wilderness when they hardened their hearts, tempted God and looked to themselves and not God.

The first part of the Psalm seems to be the instruction of how we are to pursue 
our relationship with the Lord

The second part is how not to have the right relationship.

Pondering The Psalms - Psalm 27

Each Sunday I choose a Psalm and write down some brief thoughts on it.

Today I'm looking at Psalm 27 

This is one of the Psalms of David.

This Psalm falls into five parts:

V. 1

V. 2-3

V. 4-6

V. 7-12

V. 13-14

We need to physically say these words.
We need to speak forth the truth, to truly grasp that we need not be afraid
                        He is our Light

                                        He is our Salvation 

                                                        He is our Stronghold

The speaking out as in the last two verses and the knowledge that there is no need to be afraid leads on to being confident about what we know God has promised  -  this makes me think of Psalm 34 
He has promised that He is on our side.

The result of seeking God, wanting to live in His ways and being in His Shelter can only lead to us giving Him all the praise and thanksgiving we can.

Declaration, Confidence, Praise, Teaching, Hope.

Crying out to God, seeking His face and accepting His gracious help leads us to listen and pay attention to Him to learn what is the good and acceptable will of God   (Romans 12:2)
All because we are not leaning to the way of others or to our natural instincts but we are being focused on His way.

Knowing God's promises, having gained confidence in knowing God's will and His way and being prepared to wait on Him has all come to the point where we know we have hope for now and for the future.

A Lighthouse and a Lifeboat



His Love stretched out to us.

Pondering the Psalms - Psalm 136

Each Sunday I choose a Psalm and write down some brief thoughts on it.

Today I'm looking at Psalm 136 

This Psalm falls into 5 parts:

V. 1-3

V. 4-9

V. 10-22

V. 23-25

V. 26

This Psalm starts and ends with two almost identical verses - verse 1 and verse 26

However they are each placed specifically at those important points.

We Start with God's Goodness

He is the God of gods and the Lord of lords.
 He is Good, He is Merciful and He is Love and His goodness, mercy and love will never end.
 How could we not be thankful?

He is full of wonder and creative power.
All that is on, above and around the earth was made by Him.

He provided our Salvation right from the start.
Our lives should be a witness to that.

He is the one who always sees, cares, and acts on behalf of His people.

Even though we have not seen Heaven or can properly understand Heaven we believe in God so we believe in Heaven because we know His love is not going to end.

The Psalm is a portrait of our lives with Him.

 How He is good to us and draws us 
through our knowledge of 
His Greatness, Salvation and Love 
to the culmination of a 
perfectly prepared for us by Him.

We end with Heaven.

This is a Psalm which some might say is simply repetitive.


this is really a Psalm of recognition on our part of how worthy God is to be praised 
over and over again.

This is a Psalm which uses the history of the world to highlight the Love of God
to His people


to lead us to 

the Eternal Hope we have in Heaven - our home with Him! 

Pondering The Psalms - Psalm 141

Each Sunday I am going to choose a Psalm and write down some brief thoughts on it.

Today I'm looking at Psalm 141 

This is a Psalm of David

This Psalm falls into 4 parts:

V. 1-2
A prayer up to God

V. 3-4
My influences on my heart

V. 5-7
Outward influences on my heart

V. 8-10
My refuge

A Prayer up to God.
A plea to be heard by the Lord but respectful and offered in a reverential, sacrificial, form of worship.

Our influence on our hearts.
David is asking for God's help so that he can control his fleshly attitudes and not be enticed into any evil ways.

Outward influences on our hearts.
David is well aware of the evil around him and knows that he can trust God for protection from others and that God's Word is more powerful than man's.

Our Refuge.
David knows exactly where his help and refuge is.  They are in the Lord.
He can seek God for all the protection and help he needs.

Where is our help?

Is our prayer to God offered respectfully?

Is our prayer a reverential,  sacrificial form of worship?

Is our prayer for the protection of our hearts from ourselves and from others?

Our we as sure as David that God is our true help and refuge?

Pondering the Psalms - Psalm 113

Each Sunday I am going to choose a Psalm and write down some brief thoughts on it.

Today I'm looking at Psalm 113 

This is a Psalm of Praise from start to finish.

This Psalm falls into three parts:

V. 1
Praise the Lord!

V. 2-4
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

V. 5-9
Who is like the Lord our God?

Praise the Lord!
Just go on and Praise Him is the feeling blasting out in this verse.
If you serve the Lord then Praise His Name.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
Now and forever.
During every part of the day.
Because He is the greatest.

No-one cares like Him.

Who is like the Lord our God?
No-one because no-one does what He does.
No-one cares like He does.

Even though we have just been told by the Psalmist that the 
Lord is seated on high,

we are also told of the needs He meets for His people 
the love He bestows on them.

He does not ignore our hurts and our feelings.

Praise the Lord!