Everywhere I am these days I see quotes.
Some are by famous writers - often ones whose work I have read.
Some are by famous people like Einstein or other people from recent history.
Some are by singers or songwriters
Some are by people who are in the news frequently.
Some are by people I have never heard of before.
But more and more my question is:
You see I find these quotes on my Facebook newsfeed or on GooglePlus posts.
Some are very artistically written in various fonts and colours and some are on beautiful backgrounds of mountains, rivers or lighthouses.
But again my question is:
My friends on facebook like these quotes and share these posts as do so many other people on facebook.
Acquaintances on GooglePlus +1 these posts and share them and no-one needs to write anything themselves because it is just a quote.
But again my question is:
Then I see all the likes and shares and comments written on these quote posts and I realize that some of the posts that are shared the most throughout all Social Media are quotes.
People everywhere just seem to love quotes.
Now as I blogger I have even been instructed (by blogging experts and in blogging tips) that I should share quotes on various places because people love quotes.
But again my question is:
If we like them, +1 them, share them, even some of us make our own graphics with these quotes does that suddenly mean that they are the absolute truth?
Are we actually reading them and thinking about what they mean or do we just say
"that sounds nice"
and then pass it on for others to see without wondering what the meaning behind it is?
Now I like quotes and actually started my
Friday Series off with my favourite quote and also wrote a
previous post based on my favourite quote and enjoyed making a graphic for it
so I am not against all quotes.
But a quote is just a quote (or rather the correct word is quotation)
It is simply something that has already been written or said by someone else.
Because to quote is
One of the main concerns I have is that in some cases I see a picture with a nice sounding quote shared for everyone to see but the person sharing it has not realised that they are not just sharing a picture with a quote but actually a link to a website or blog post that is not so wholesome.
We need to actually click on these links ourselves
and see all that is contained
before we pass them on to others.
When we like or share something we are in a way
endorsing it and that means
endorsing all of it.
So we need to see what is under the tip of the iceberg - what does that person making the quote represent?
Today I want to make you think about what we are passing around for everyone to see and read.
Because I think we have a responsibility toward others that we do not pass on things that just sound nice but instead
we should pass on good uplifting and encouraging words
that do mean something substantial.
I look after a facebook page for our church and I made the decision that the only quotes we would have on that page would be from our Pastor and the sermons we hear in church.
Because our church has a responsibility not to lead others astray or to misquote others
(which is another problem sometimes in the passing of quotes - they are not always accurately copied or not always written by the person they are claimed to be from).
So the main things that we actually share on the page are Bible verses.
Bible verses are the word of God so we can trust them and learn from them and we can say
Because this is a Bible Verse it is TRUTH!
much more than I need a quote.
So be encouraged when you see a Bible verse shared by a sound organisation or someone you trust, and know that it is spreading God's word.
And then be helpful towards others and share that verse to encourage them and direct them to the truth.
Let's be enthusiastic to share more Bible Verses
within Social Media.
There is nothing so truthful, beautiful, enriching and uplifting as the Word of God
And if you want more Bible Verses to be able to share with others on Facebook then you might be interested in following my Blog Facebook Page where I share a bible verse each day and you can easily share that on your feed too.
Or for sharing on Twitter then follow me on Twitter for verses I share there too.
Or follow me for verse on Instagram too.
Let's spread the truth - because we all need the truth.