Do you find it hard to get visuals and recordings for different kids songs?
I have always found this a problem so I am now sharing songs that I have used with children providing you with
(Powerpoint or Picture or details of how you can make one)
(chords also available)
(mp3 or video to learn the song)
Then if you would like to download the visual of the song there will be a link provided to my creation, or I will direct you to where else you can find it.
This month I am taking the theme of
The song I have chosen is
Bible Stories
I thoroughly believe we should teach and encourage children to read the Bible and to grow in faith by knowledge and belief in God's Word.The song I have chosen is
I Will Make You Fishers of Men
This is a song that I learned as a child in Sunday School.
It is taken from the words of Jesus in the Bible and contains good advice for us all.
I like the children to have fun singing and doing the actions of this song.
It is also a good teaching tool.

The visual represented above is suitable to be printed on A4 White card.
To Download a copy of this visual for printing on A4 Card or Letter size
You can print on 6 different cards or use only three by printing "Read your Bible" on the back of the first one, "Pray every Day" on the back of the second one and "If you want to grow" on the back of the third.
I also have it available for Projection as a Powerpoint presentation as shown below
To Download a copy of this Powerpoint slide presentation for projecting 4:3 or 16:9
I will make you fishers of men
Fishers of men, fishers of men
I will make you fishers of men
If you follow me
If you follow me
If you follow me
I will make you fishers of men
If you follow me.
Read your Bible, Pray every day
Pray every day, Pray every day
Read your Bible, Pray every day
If you want to grow
If you want to grow
If you want to grow
Read your Bible, Pray every day
If you want to grow.
To Download a copy of these words with chords for Guitar or Piano
First Verse
Act as if you are holding a fishing rod and throw out the fishing line each time you sing "fishers of men"
Use forefinger to indicate coming towards you as you sing "if you follow me"
Second Verse
Hands held together palms up in front of you as you sing "Read your Bible"
Hands held together as in prayer as you sing "Pray every day"
Hold one hand out flat palm facing downwards and lift up in stepping motion as you sing "if you want to grow"
Special "Thank You" to my husband Fred who looks after the Recordings and the Chords
This song was written by Harry D. Clarke but copyright seems to be unknown
see here
FISHERS OF MEN Words & Music by Harry D. Clarke © 1927, Renewed 1955 Hope Publishing Company, Carol Stream IL 60188 All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission. To obtain permission to use or copy this hymn, visit
If anyone has any further info on this song please let me know.
I Hope you enjoy the song and this is a help to you.
If you are interested in finding out about more
Christian Songs for Kids
See Our Other Kids Songs:
Creation - Who Made?
Easter - He's Alive
Love of Jesus - Jesus Loves the Little Children
Love of Jesus - Jesus' Love is very Wonderful
The Attributes of God - God is So Good
The Promises of God - No Never Alone
(Click on the names of the songs above to view them)