
The 5 Best Quotes on the Bible + Free Printable - Coffee & Conversation

I am not a fan of QUOTES

In fact often I can be heard complaining how people almost treat a quote
 as more important than the Word of God

I actually wrote a blog post about Do We Really Need This Quote?

I'm taking a theme of the Bible this month on my blog so hence the Quotes on the Bible - NOT quotes from the Bible.

I'm looking at serious quotes from people I would respect.

So in the list below I will quote

Not  Benny Hinn   but   J.C. Ryle

Not  Greg Locke   but   Charles Spurgeon   

Not  Mark Driscoll   but   Dwight L. Moody

1.  Charles Spurgeon

     "Visit many good books, but live in the Bible."

2.  J.C. Ryle


"Knowledge of the Bible never comes by intuition. It can only be obtained by diligent, regular, daily, attentive reading."


3.  Dwight L. Moody

"The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible."

4.  R.C. Sproul Jr

"In fact, the Devil is delighted when we spend our time and energy defending the Bible, as long as we do not get around to actually reading the Bible."

The visual below is available as a Bible Quotes Free Printable

5.  Billy Graham

"If you are ignorant of God’s Word, you will always be ignorant of God’s will."



and I could not resist adding a second quote by Charles Spurgeon just as an special encouragement to us all

"A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to 
someone who isn’t."



Don't forget to download your Bible Quotes Free Printable