Showing posts with label God wants us. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God wants us. Show all posts


I don't need you! - A Dose of Encouragement

I looked at something the other day and had to say to myself

"No, I can't do that.  I need Fred to be here for that."

Another day I found myself saying  

  "I need Fred to fix that."

Windows 10 was here but I was saying to myself

"I can't accept that update because I need Fred to check it out first."

Or on the phone with the kids I'm saying

"I need your father to be home to be able to do that."

"I need dad to be here long enough to be able to have a holiday."

When we were putting up the new garden shed there was one day when it was just Fred & I because our son had to work so I was continually asking Fred

"Do you need me for that bit of the shed?"

Then there are the times when I can be more independant and say

"I don't need you for that."

Often when we don't ask for help from someone it is because we don't need it.

But sometimes when we don't ask for help we do need it, we just think we don't need it.

This all got me to thinking about how dependent or independent I am and I figured out that it all depends on the situation but also depends on how I feel at times.

Sometimes I will feel like I almost want help, not just need it.
Other times I really do feel like I want to be able to do it myself and not need help from anyone.

Of course there can be a great sense of satisfaction when I can say I don't need anyone to help me, I can do it myself.

It can be hurtful too, to hear those words said to you

How many times do we hurt God when we speak and act 
as if we don't need Him?

We do need God all the time.

Yes there are times when we don't even realise we need Him because we think we can do things by ourselves but if we are truthful we know deep down that we do need Him.

We need Him for the wisdom to get through all situations.

We need Him for His hand of protection wherever we go.

We need Him for the way He loves us unconditionally.

We need Him because He is the only one that really knows and understands us.

We need Him because we are not complete without Him.

Is He always there when we need Him?


God is always there when we need Him.

But do you know something else about God?

Do you know that He does not need us?

That's true

God does not need us!

Does it seem hurtful to us to think about that?

Well God is completely self-sufficient so He does not need us - it is a simple fact about the character of God.

However there is somethings far more joyful to dwell on instead because even though God does not need us,

He Wants Us!

Selah - Stop & Think on it!

God wants You!

God doesn't NEED us, He WANTS us!