Showing posts with label Psalm 26. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psalm 26. Show all posts


Pondering the Psalms - Psalm 26

Each Sunday I am going to choose a Psalm and write down some brief thoughts on  it.

Today I'm looking at Psalm 26

I'm looking at this Psalm in six parts:

V. 1-2
Who is worthy to say this to the Lord?
Do we walk in integrity?
Have we trusted without wavering?
Are we confident of having God find no fault in us when He tries us?

V. 3
The reason David says he has kept true to the Lord is firstly because God's Love is steadfast and he has recognized God's faithfulness.

V. 4-5
Secondly it is because he has kept out of evil company.

V. 6-7
Thirdly it is because he has kept about the place of the Lord, praising God and telling of His greatness.

V. 8-10
Here David expresses his love for God's House and his desire for God to accept him.

V. 11-12
Because he walks in integrity he knows he is in the right place and he is going to bless the Lord there.

3 Things stand out in this Psalm:

Questions, Relationships, Blessings.

The first two verses bring up all the questions stated above and thinking on these questions will keep us very humble because it would be impossible to meet this standard.

David recognized the steadfastness and faithfulness of God that was essential in God's relationship with him.
Then David also realized that he needed to abhor evil, stay close to God, worship God, love God's House and be acceptable to God because that was essential for his relationship with God.

David blesses the Lord because of the fact that he is in the right place and God has looked favourably on him.

Oh that we were careful to 
consider these questions, 
grow our relationships 
bless the Lord in everything.

Then we could be like David and say to God