I am taking time each week to ask myself

I am taking time each week to ask myself
Of course we have always thought of God as the only true God.
But here I want to think about God as God the Most High God meaning that He is Sovereign over everything.
He is in control in every situation.
So there is nothing or nobody (not even ourselves) that should come before God in all aspects of our lives.
Yes that is hard because most aspects of our lives we can quite easily say we are handing over to God but it should be all aspects of our lives.
In everything we should put God first.
In every day nothing should dethrone Him from being the King, the Lord of our lives.
All reverence must be given to God.
All honour must be given to God.
All glory must be given to God.
All worship must be given to God.
Is God the MOST HIGH GOD in your life?
Do you give Him all the worship?
Of course we have always thought of God as the only true God.
But here I want to think about God as God the Most High God meaning that He is Sovereign over everything.
He is in control in every situation.
So there is nothing or nobody (not even ourselves) that should come before God in all aspects of our lives.
Yes that is hard because most aspects of our lives we can quite easily say we are handing over to God but it should be all aspects of our lives.
In everything we should put God first.
In every day nothing should dethrone Him from being the King, the Lord of our lives.
All reverence must be given to God.
All honour must be given to God.
All glory must be given to God.
All worship must be given to God.
Is God the MOST HIGH GOD in your life?
Do you give Him all the worship?