This is the 2nd Sunday of Advent
The thing I have already thought about in the previous post is the Hope we have because of Jesus but today I want to consider the

we have in Him.
So what could be more fitting than singing about Jesus as
God's Love Gift to us because that is exactly what Jesus is.
The Saving Grace of Jesus.
Do you know this Saving Grace of Jesus?
Have you accepted this Gift of Love from God?
From the passages in my Advent reading plan
I know that
Jesus came to destroy the works of satan.
Jesus came to bear witness to the truth.
Jesus came so that we can believe in Him and have life in His name.
Jesus came to reconcile us to God.
Jesus came to bear witness to the truth.
Jesus came so that we can believe in Him and have life in His name.
Jesus came to reconcile us to God.
Do you know why Jesus came to earth?
Are you glad that Jesus came?
Friday morning was
"Shopping in our town with our grown up son" time.
Cold, windy & wet day but it's a small town so not that far to walk between car park and shops.
He kept comparing it to the large city he lives in, parking much cheaper here and streets less crowded.
We also got our turkey and ham for Christmas.
Friday afternoon was
"Shopping in the Christian Bookshop with our grown up son" time.
One and a half hours can pass quickly when we are somewhere like this.
The ICM Bookshop outside Lurgan is enormous.
They also have a good website with great prices and lots of free shipping to anywhere in the UK, so have a look at their site
Friday evening was
"Shopping in the Sprucefield Shopping Centre with our grown up son" time.
A few last minute presents, and a nice wander around in the festive but not-too-busy shops.
These are some of the highlights of our Christmases now - having our family come from far as well as near.
The special times of love and togetherness that we miss.
Of course as usual I'm doing Christmas songs with the kids at church and we like to sing this simple one about God's Love
'Tis Christmas, 'Tis Christmas
The Christmas Bells ring
The Birthday of Jesus our Saviour and king
Tis Christmas, Tis Christmas
Our Bible recalls
The Birthday of Jesus
God's Love Gift to all.
You can find the words & chords of this song
also actions, sing-a-long video
and free printables at
After a day like that we need to remember that shopping is not the main thing that's important at this time of the year
We need to make sure that Jesus Christ is still in our Christmas, just like the words of this song
Unto you is born this day a Saviour
A baby boy was found there in a manger
The blessed truth of Christmas let us hear
Let's put Christ back into Christmas this year
Christmas is the birthday of our King
The greatest gift of all He came to bring
He's the Prince of Peace let's show Him that we care
Let's put Christ back into Christmas this year
On this day the wise men saw a star
They followed it with gifts and travelled far
And praised the baby Jesus lying there
Let's put Christ back into Christmas this year
Let within your heart His praises ring
And celebrate the day our Saviour came
May peace on earth at Christmas time appear
Let's put Christ back into Christmas this year
Let's put Christ back into Christmas this year
Are you making sure that Christ is still in your Christmas this year?
Walking along the promenade in Newcastle, Co. Down is not the thing I would normally plan to be doing just a few days before Christmas.
Two things happened within the last few days that meant us taking the half hour drive to Newcastle one day last week and I was looking forward to walking the promenade while there. However it was just too cold and wet and blowy that we didn't have our walk.
Instead we just sat and admired the seaside view for a while and took a few pictures and short videos of the waves.
A great example of the nature that God has created.
One of the books I got in the ICM Bookshop yesterday was for the younger kids in our Sunday School.
It can be read to young children and then as they get a bit older they can read it for themselves.
This book has had great reviews by parents which is a very good recommendation for it and is unusually written by a Theologian, James Hamilton. He wrote it primarily for his son but was then encouraged to get it published which he then did through Christian Focus.
On the journey back today we discussed the presents for Christmas.
It has been agreed that I have nearly everything sorted out fine now.
I just hope the recipients of these presents agree with us.
Were you able to take time today to appreciate God and His creation amid the hustle and bustle of Christmas presents?