Showing posts with label bribes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bribes. Show all posts


Pondering the Psalms - Psalm 15

Each Sunday I am going to choose a Psalm and write down some brief thoughts on it.

Today I'm looking at Psalm 15

This is one of the shorter Psalms in the Bible.

This Psalm falls into only 2 parts:

V. 1
The Question.

V. 2 - 5
The Answer.

The Question.
A very simple direct question from David to the Lord.
There is no doubt about the content.
It only takes one verse.

Who will live with God?

Who will live with God?

The Answer.
Though it is longer than the question, the answer is also simple and direct.
There is also no doubt about the content of it.
It comes from David because God has already laid this in David's heart.
David already knows the mind of God.

It is important to notice that David was able to ask a direct question 
expect a reply.

We can be in that same position 
I hope that we can all be like David and go ahead and ask God directly and simply
about the things that are important to us.

I also hope that we will be like David and have the answer within our being
we are walking and talking with God regularly
reading His Word
so that we will know God's intention for this world 
His will for us.