Showing posts with label charity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label charity. Show all posts


Northern Ireland Barista Championship 2015 - Xtra Special Day

This weekend saw the Northern Ireland Barista Championship take place in Belfast.

Yes I know I love Coffee but not so much that I would be interested in this event


that my son was taking part on behalf of Common Grounds Coffee Shop of which he is the manager.

Now Daniel has worked in other coffee shops and has trained but now that he is a manager he is not doing the actual manual work every day of the week because of the many other tasks that fall to him.

So off he went on Saturday for the first round of the challenge.

He even missed his favourite football team Tottenham Hotspurs win against ......  well some other team - I'm not a football fan.

He had some tickets and I would have loved to have been there for this event but I was ill.

Yes - An Xtra Special Day for our family and I'm stuck at home with a throat infection.

You can imagine our excitement when he messaged later in the day to say that he was through to the final on Sunday.

We were delighted that he had got through to the final and more people will hear about the good work of Common Grounds.

On Sunday

He was the first one up of the 6 for the final.

His wife Suzie was there with him and the credit for these photos go to her.

As you can see from the pic above he was on at 11am.

No idea what they had asked him but no doubt he was having a bit of fun with them as he did not think he stood a chance of winning.

Apparently cameras and notes were important and everything focussed on how Daniel made the various coffees.

So Suzie messaged us with some pictures and then of course the other 5 baristas had to make their coffees.

We were making a late Sunday Lunch when the message came just after 4.15pm


So proud of our son 
and of 
Common Grounds Coffee Shop

If you have not read my other post about Common Grounds and their charity work 
and their Suspended Coffees 
then click HERE

Why not use this twitter link to let others know about the good work of Common Grounds

Great coffee, great charity at Common Grounds Belfast