Showing posts with label think before they speak. Show all posts
Showing posts with label think before they speak. Show all posts


I Wish People Would ..... - Coffee & Conversation

If you are a regular reader here or have stopped by my blog a few times then you may well know how much I Love Coffee & Chocolate.

Well at the moment I'm trying to cut down on the chocolate but ....  well not so much on the coffee.

I enjoy a large mug of coffee to sit and sip on when I'm checking my emails and sorting my ToDo lists in the morning & you also probably know how much I Love Lists and depend on them.

I do a lot of reading which is another Coffee Break Time and a lot of thinking so I thought I might do a new series on 

where I just talk a little about what is on my mind.

Today I'm starting with some things that  "I Wish"  about people.

I often WISH that I could recognise how all the people I meet are feeling so that I can understand them better.

So I PRAY that God will help me to understand people better and that He will help me do all those things I have mentioned in my little rant above.

Do you wish this about people? 

Do you pray this about yourself?