Gosh what a job it is "spring cleaning" or overhauling your bedroom and then what a time consuming job it is to make an inventory of everything in your bedroom.
So the only way I could tackle this properly was to break it down into smaller jobs.
This of course meant LISTS and I love LISTS.
Right so using my Todo list app on the iPad the one I prefer is
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Unfortunately a short time ago I discovered there is an update to the app which has brought in a new icon.
This is a simple todo list app which is great for listing all the things you would want to do in your overhaul of a room and then checking them off one by one when you have done them. It keeps a running total at the top of how many tasks are still to be completed and as you check them off they do not disappear but just go faint. Then when you have checked off the last task you do not lose your list but get a message asking if you want to start over again.
This is ideal for regular task lists too and I use it for several things like prep list for the Kids Club I help to run, travel lists and I have used it for the list of toiletries I should always have in the Master Bedroom Ensuite (already mentioned in last week's post in this Series). I also used this app for the "Wedding" Todo List last October for our son's wedding.
There are features like icons that can be applied to each list, streaming of todos by time they are due, reminders, colour co-ordinating, emailing lists etc. many of which I don't bother to use.
I will now be using it for the "Overhaul" List for each room in the house.
As you can see from the list I had 15 items listed (there is one just off the screen at the bottom - washing all the woodwork) so I was able then to think roughly how long each would take and know how long I'd be working at the bedroom at any one time. I did most of the tasks in order as I had them listed here (note: changing the order of the tasks is very easy in this app).
Sometimes I did one thing in the day some times I did as many as three of the tasks just depending on what else I needed to do that day or to be honest what else I preferred to do that day. This meant that although it was a big job it was not so bad broken down into these more manageable tasks.
Of course a Notebook or File (Binder) would do the same job as my app.
Divide the notebook or file (binder) into 4 sections.
1. Overhauling Rooms
2. Inventory of Rooms
Count the number of items of furniture in your room and allow a page for each one then add another page. On the page for each piece of furniture you can list your items it contains.
On the extra page you will list all the items on the walls or surfaces and the items which do not contain other things.
3. Top Up Lists
Use a page for each type of list of things you would want to top up or list of things that should be always available in the house and then it makes it easier for shopping too.
For example my Ensuite Toiletries list, and I also have lists for travelling such as contents of a toilet bag for short trips and a toilet bag for long trips.
4. To do Lists
Take a page for each room to make a list of all the things you think about while working in that room.
For example when I was overhauling the Master Bedroom I had 3 boxes of photographs (yes we have many photos from before the digital age) and they are not very well organised so I have decided that I will make time later to properly sort them into smaller boxes to be better organised (throwing out the ones we really do not want) and then make another time for scanning them all unto a hard disc drive.
This is where you can note down what decorating you want to plan
for the future too.
My top up lists and my To do lists will also be on my POCKET LIST App
TOP UP LIST - Master Bedroom Ensuite
1. Toiletries
TOP UP LIST - Master Bedroom
1. Make-up etc.
TO DO LIST - Master Bedroom Ensuite
1. Make DIY Toilet Fizzlers (see how at WhileHeWasNapping )
1. Redecorate
2. New Carpet
3. Curtain or drape for Velux Window
3. Sort photos to new smaller boxes
4. Scan all photos
Now ready to do the end check list for January
Okay (I have to be honest) most of the things are done
did you notice one thing not done yet?
I did not do the Games Room Window.
It is a velux window on a room that is not used often at the moment and it is awkward for me to get at. So my excuse is that my husband Fred was away with work over the last two weeks and I'm waiting for him to come home because he can reach it more easily than I can and I think he won't mind helping out with this.
Is there something we are forgetting?
In an overhaul like this and inventory surely some things need to be moved around or maybe even moved out of the room?
That is exactly what happened. So.....
I got two baskets one for Fred's things and one for mine.
Anything I thought should not be in this room I put in the basket and then the basket could be taken downstairs and the items put it in their proper place.
Is everything now out of the baskets?
No way, loads of things still in Fred's basket and some still in mine.
I just have to make sure that he does not slip the things out of his basket and back to the silly places he had them in to start with.
Do you allow me to get away without the window being cleaned?
I cannot say I loved all the work of the bedroom this last week because there was so much but the sense of accomplishment is fantastic, plus knowing that things are in sensible places and the fact that I have a note of everything is worth smiling about and when I'm smiling - I'm HAPPY.
DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated to any of the apps I have mentioned in this post - wish I was!