Click here to read Grace 1 which covered the first chapter of the book
The Discipline of Grace
by Jerry Bridges
Now let's take a look chapter 2 this time.
Chapter 2
This surprised me at first because it was so different to the first chapter.Here he takes a look at the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican going to pray.
I loved the way he explained what this parable is all about.
What it boils down to I think is the fact that when the Publican says
"Lord be merciful to me a sinner"
he is able to say this because he is sure of the grace of God.
Isn't that so ironic that he understands grace but the Pharisee doesn't.
If the Pharisee truly knew what the grace of God was, he could not have been so confident in himself.
The Publican did understand but still he was not confident in himself instead he was confident in God because of grace.
Of course the author has a lot more to say than just this and again this chapter is full of truth and I found it so encouraging.
I promise that later posts on this book will contain shorter notes on each chapter.
For other posts on this book see Links below:
Grace 1
Grace 3