
Smile God Loves You! Ephesians 5:2 - Sunday Scripture

This Sunday's Scripture on God's Love is Ephesians 5:2  

So many times when looking at a verse from Scripture I come back to these 
Question Words.





 In this verse we are exhorted to Walk in Love but the verse goes on to tell us how to do this 
by following the example of God's Love.

Who gives the example for us to follow?
Christ.   We have seen that He loves us.

How do we know He loves us?
He gave Himself in our place.

What did He become?
An offering for us to God, a sacrifice instead of us.

Why did He do that?
To make an aroma of fragrance for God to be able to enjoy.

Because of Jesus we can be a sweet fragrance unto God.

If God had not had such great love for us then Christ would not have loved us and there would have been no sacrifice to prepare our way back to God.

It all stems from God's Love to us.

There is no hope for us without God's Love for us.

Surely this should make us smile each day.