I know you are more like me than you think you are.
I know you have some Pet Peeves.
Here are 8 of my Pet peeves.
Disclosure: they may have been rather influenced by not getting my full night's sleep.
1. People who park where they shouldn't so that it is difficult for the people who should be able to park there to get a spot.
2. People who say you never told me that when you know you have but they don't pay proper attention.
3. People who say they told you something when it was really the other way round.
4. People who start telling you about something you should do when you had told them about that ages ago.
5. People who leave everything to the last minute.
6. Movies made from books but the endings or even more than that are changed, the book was good because of how it was written and the outcome so why change it.
7. Dogs who bark early in the morning and wake me up.
8. Husbands who wake you up 10 - 20 mins before your alarm is due to go off and you know you have no chance of getting back to sleep, why do I have to miss out on that last bit of sleep? Makes for a bad start to a Saturday morning, and this is from the man who has shared nearly 39 years of Saturday mornings with me.
Feel Free to list some of your Pet Peeves in the comments.