Need something last minute for your kids group to present the Easter Message to others?
If you have a printer and card you can do this.
Because there is a
Free Printable available for you to download and print your own cards.
(See the link at the end of this post)
Printed Letters for word Easter
(make sure that the letters are correctly printed on both sides of the cards so that the letters of Jesus LIVES are in the right order when cards are turned around)
Words of Songs (you can adapt with songs known by your group)
Handmade paper palm branches (can be made in a SS lesson)
Handmade paper crowns (can be made in a SS lesson)
Time Required:
Very little time needed to practice with the kids.
Narrator with notes,
6 kids with letter cards,
oldest child with bible readings
If you have more children they can stand behind the row of 6 and join in with the songs
We begin by having the
Narrator stand to one side facing congregation and the
Oldest Child at the other side.
6 Children with Letter Cards sit on 6 chairs at centre front facing congregation.
The children do not hold up their cards until it is their individual turn to stand up and then keep holding their cards up when they sit down again.
At Easter Time we learn exactly why we can have faith in God
Now the children are going to tell us what Easter stands for.
1st Child Stands & Holds up letter E.
E is for Everyone
Oldest Child Reads
Romans 3 v 23
For everyone has sinned and come short of the glory of God
1st Child Sits down again
No-one has lived a perfect life except Jesus.
God hates sin and because we have all sinned God cannot have us in Heaven with Him.
No-one is good enough to be in the presence of God.
But God still loves everyone so much that He provided a way for us to be with Him.
He sent Jesus to die for our sin.
2nd Child Stands & Holds up letter A.
A is for Anyone
Oldest Child Reads
John 3 v 16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that anyone who believes on His Name shall be Saved.
2nd Child Sits down again
Anyone is not the same as only one.
Anyone means You, personally You, no matter who You are or what You look like or where You live or what You have done.
Jesus died on the cross for You and He wants You to trust in Him and You will be saved.
This is a personal promise for You.
3rd Child Stands & Holds up letter S.
S is for Salvation
Oldest Child Reads
Acts 16 v 31
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved
3rd Child Sits down again
The children would like you to join them in singing the SALVATION chorus.
(The children will stand up to sing & wave the palm branches
The Salvation chorus will be on the screen for the congregation
and also held up for the children By The Leader)
4th Child Stands & Holds up letter T.
T is for Today
Oldest Child Reads
Hebrews 13 v 8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today & forever
4th Child Sits down again
We know from the Old Testament that Abraham, Isaac & Jacob knew the promises of God, and trusted God to keep His promises. But we don't have to just trust in something that was for many years ago.
God wants us to trust in Him today because has never changed and still keeps His promises today and He will forever keep His promises.
Our verse tells us that Jesus never changes, so we can be sure that today He is still the Saviour of the World but more importantly He wants to be your personal Saviour.
5th Child Stands & Holds up letter E.
E is for Everlasting life
Oldest Child Reads
John 6 v 47
Most assuredly I say to you He who believes in me has everlasting life
5th Child Sits down again
The children would like to sing a chorus for you.
The “He that Believeth” chorus will be held up for the children
By The Leader
The children will put down their palm branches and letters & lift up their crowns & stand up to sing.
The children will sit down again at the end of the chorus.
6th Child Stands & Holds up letter R.
R is for Resurrection
Oldest Child Reads
John 11 v 25
Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection & the life
6th Child Sits down again
Now everyone can see the word
Today we celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus, the day when Jesus rose from the dead. This is so special to us because it means that our Saviour is no longer dead, He is Alive forevermore.
Jesus is a living Saviour and He wants us to trust Him and live for Him, praising Him forevermore.
So Easter is all about the fact that.......
The 6 children with letters turn their cards around
and all the children shout out
Please click on the link at the bottom of this post to download your free printable
and you might enjoy the video below
Don't forget to download your free printable for the "EASTER LETTERS" Presentation HERE if you have not already subscribed to Sandra's Ark
If you have previously subscribed to Sandra's Ark then you will find the link for all my Resources in any of the emails you have received from me.
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God bless you and your work with children this Easter Time.