Well I've been more busy reading books and other bloggers than thinking about or writing my own blog so I had to get caught up and ahead of myself because the whole family will be here together soon for a week and I won't have time to write posts then.
There are just so many distractions and daily chores (just added that in to try to make you believe that I do some housework) that a day can soon be filled up.
I enjoy going on twitter each morning and evening to catch up with what some interesting people are saying but this usually involves reading blog posts and website write ups so I get carried away and amazed at how much time I spend on this especially when I do scroll quickly through the tweets of all these twitterers ( is that a real word?) probably it should be tweeters but I'm not too worried about being completely up to date with all the jargon.
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Photo Credit - Pixabay |
Then there are all the lures by the freebies offered and retweeted by everyone.
I am amazed that anyone makes any money by selling ebooks or apps as they all seem to be offered free on a regular basis, but I'm not complaining and my iPad and my kindle will prove that as they are filling up very nicely with apps and ebooks that I'm not sure I ever will get round to using and reading. Oh no I need more time to do everything!
Of course there is this great thing where I just "favourite" a tweet so that when I have more time I can come back and read the web article in full, but when do I have more time?
There is a growing store of these starred tweets which are patiently sitting waiting for me to think of them and free up some time to come and take proper notice of them. "Give me an eighth day in the week Lord because I need to read my favourites" is my cry.
Then there are those notifications that pop up to let me know that there is some activity on facebook and so I delve in to see who has put up something good, what my daughter is doing in South Korea via photos, and of course get into a discussion thread in one of the blogging groups.
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Photo Credit - Pixabay |
There are loads of interesting things here too so I'm saving posts to read in detail later and then there goes that cry again because I don't know when I'll ever find enough time to do all the catching up I want to.
And we can't forget about Pinterest because there are all those lovely pictures to click and pin and create boards for and to hope that lots of people will follow our boards and repin our pins and there again is the cry for that eighth day because someday I do want to go back and find that particular pin I pinned and make the item because that was my original intention.
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Photo Credit - Pixabay |
My husband Fred's cry is give me an eighth day in the week so that I can get up-to-date with my personal emails & my travel expenses (at least the latter would be profitable monetarily but the former would be profitable in keeping up with his life).
But I know that ours is not the only household where people are saying I don't have enough time for everything.
I often look back and say how did I manage to get three children out to school each day, go out and teach at another school, look after the house and regularly be involved in Kids Work through the church. Plus still have time to read and enjoy activities with Fred & the kids.
Was I crying out for an eighth day in the week then too? YES!
How do we all do the things we do?
Why do we feel like we never get caught up?
What gets the shove?
What gets put on the todo list today and constantly gets flipped on to tomorrow's list and then the next day?
It should be:
The things that are NOT the most important for the quality of our time spent here on earth.
The things that we will not regret having shoved to one side.
The things that will not be in our minds as "If only I had used my time for that" later in our lives.
The things that we often misguidedly think need to be done to make our homes the greatest homes possible.
It should not be:
The things that ARE the most important for the quality of our time sent here on earth.
The things that God has asked us to do for Him.
The things that go hand in hand with us raising a good God fearing family.
The things that help others.
The things that show God's Love to others.
The things that bring others to know Salvation.
The things that draw us closer to God.
These should be our priorities because they are God's priorities
So if God ever did give me an eighth day in the week I think I would manage to do all that He wants me to do and then I would probably want a ninth day to do all the rest.
But I have to make the effort to manage the time He has given me as a good steward and believe that He knows just the right amount of time that I need because He is the perfect one and I am only human.
God has given you the right time you need too.