I like organising but sometimes I just don't have the proper space or storage container to suit my needs.
Spice storage is something I have had to think about each time we have moved house and I have to say that I looke at many different storage ideas for my spices over the years and have used a few different types.
So when we were getting a new kitchen put in to our present home I again had the opportunity to look at storage for my spices.
So when we were getting a new kitchen put in to our present home I again had the opportunity to look at storage for my spices again.
This time I was going to have a larder / pantry for the first time since we bought our first home and we were designing it as a walk-in pantry (although we would not be able to walk in too far as we were determined to get all the shelf space possible fitted in.
Because we were having full say as to what drawers, cupboards shelving etc. we would have in the kitchen I was open to storing my spices in various ways so here are 10 storage ideas I looked at for my spices.
10 Storage Ideas for Spices
1. Drawer Storage for Spices
I was keen to have sets of long drawers with a mixture of shallow and deep.However I never have more than about 15 herbs and spices so this would have been too large for me but oh how accessible all my jars would have been.
Omega National Spice Drawer Insert
2. Lighter Drawer Storage for Spices
Then also I was interested in having pull out shelving which is a bit like drawers so I thought this type might be good.
This is narrower so would fit better in those 50 mm or 60 mm cupboards where I was going to have the pull out shelving but in the end the cupboard I did allocate for one of these ended up having to be less deep (front to back) because of extra piping etc. needed behind it.
3. Worktop Storage for Spices
Some of my worktop space was going to be deeper out from the wall so I considered allowing some of my worktop space to be used for the spices.Again very accessible for quick grabbing but in the end we decided we would have enough on the worktops and did not really want to have this type of metal storage which would take a lot of cleaning.
3 Tier Standing Spice Rack
4. Rotating Storage for Spices on the Worktop
I am extremely fond of things being easily "got at" so definitely I would have been interested in looking at rotating storage for nearly anything.However again the thought of having to clean this on regularly stopped us taking up the worktop space with this.
Kamenstein 30020 Revolving 20-Jar Countertop Spice Rack Tower Organizer with Free Spice Refills for 5 Years
5. Rotating Storage for Spices on a Cupboard Shelf
In a cupboard this type of storage can not normally be as high as we could have it on a worktop so this was an option.
It definitely was an option for us because I do like rotating storage to make it easy to grab things and I had been planning to put three other rotating storage items in my new larder but when we checked the measurements again we would not be able to fit them all in.
It definitely was an option for us because I do like rotating storage to make it easy to grab things and I had been planning to put three other rotating storage items in my new larder but when we checked the measurements again we would not be able to fit them all in.
X-cosrack 2-tier Lazy Susan Turntable 10inch Bamboo Spinning Spice Rack
6. Wall Storage for Spices
Do to the layout of the new kitchen there wasn't going to be a section where we could have some wall space clear that could be used for mounting some form of open shelving or racks.If I had been able to consider wall storage this quite simple metal rack would have been very interesting.
mDesign Metal Wall Mount Kitchen Spice Rack
7. Cupboard Door Storage for Spices
We would have our long larder / pantry door and several other smaller cupboard doors that could be used for extra storage space on the inside.This was then a thought for a while but in the end we decided that we would rather not have jars knocking together as we opened the door every time we wanted anything within the cupboard let alone the spices themselves.

Spice Storage Rack Organizer Pantry Door
8. Cupboard Shelf - Plastic Storage for Spices
Now in the end we knew that we really wanted to keep our herbs and spices inside our new larder basically to have most if not all the food stored together.The place we knew we would have room was along the wall on the shelf behind the 3 rotating storage containers as otherwise there would just be wasted space there.
It would have to be free standing or something easily attached to the wall of the larder.
First I looked at plastic versions.
Prodyne A-845 Spice Rack, 20 Bottle
9. Cupboard Shelf - Wooden Storage for Spices
Then I looked at wooden versions.But most of them seemed to sit out a distance from the back of a shelf and I didn't want to lose too much of my shelf depth.
2-Tier Wooden Rack Seasoning Shelf Spice Rack Shelf Space-Saving Multifunctional
10. Cupboard Shelf - Metal Storage for Spices
Then I looked at metal versions.
I am quite partial to black metal and had already ordered two items for another part of the kitchen that were black metal so I felt drawn towards something like those and this is what I found.
So I had my solution and I believe it ended up being the cheapest of all the ones considered so that was an added bonus.
Who doesn't like to save a bit of money?

I am quite partial to black metal and had already ordered two items for another part of the kitchen that were black metal so I felt drawn towards something like those and this is what I found.
So I had my solution and I believe it ended up being the cheapest of all the ones considered so that was an added bonus.
Who doesn't like to save a bit of money?