My husband Fred had Food Poisoning which we presume he got in Azerbaijan on a business trip or on the plane on the way home. So because of this and because of some medical type things I discovered in the garage last month it made more sense to do the back toilet first this month as that is where our Medicine Cabinet is.
Yes it is as simple as that; sometimes I need to be flexible.
So I started by creating my TOILET OVERHAUL list
on the iPad Pocket Lists App which now looks rather different to before in both the icon and the content.
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Pocket Lists App |
Unfortunately this week I had to take that drastic step of updating to ios7 and if you read a certain post from last year you would know that this then was a very sad week for me, but it had to happen as without it I could not update some of my apps.
Isn't the screenshot so bland compared to previous ones and so pale as well? Rotten update to this app.
Well as you can see above even for such a small room I had 18 items on my list.
No way this room would be done in a couple of hours!
No way this room would be done in one day - all my time in any day is not going to be given over to housework and organising.
So armed with my cleaning kit and trusty steamer I got started.
I got the boring bits out of the way (you know the cleaning of the toilet etc.) and then it was time to reorganise the Medicine Cabinet and I just brightened up because those things are far more interesting to me than washing and cleaning and dusting and hoovering.
This is the Funwork part!
While I was rearranging I was of course checking dates of items and throwing out things and making out a list of things I would need to get to replenish my store.
I was pleased with it when I was finished because I took out some of the more bulky things and some other things that didn't sit so well on the narrow shelves and thought of somewhere else to put these plus the face masks that I had found in the garage (brand new provided by Fred's work but he had kept them in a travel bag in the garage).
So what was my idea for storing these things?
Simply to put them in the underused drawers and cupboards of the vanity unit in the same room.
You see this room is really only used for two things
1. Medicine Cabinet
2. Recycling
It is not really used as a bathroom because we have two ensuites and a bathroom so why need another one and have to always be cleaning a fourth toilet?
Up until now there was hardly anything in the cupboards and the drawers but that was going to change.
The drawers took some of those not too large items but ones that didn't sit so easily on the shelves of the Medicine cabinet
and the cupboard shelves took the larger health items.
There is also still some room for a few things I need to get like gel cooling pads.
Then I decided to store the extra towels for this room in the vanity unit (brown top right), the toilet rolls went in there too as they had been in a basket but it has got rather grubby and finding out how to clean it is the first item on my ToDo list for this room now.
Of course I hope you have noticed the packet of wipes (green top left) which are very important in each room as you may remember from a previous post 5 Things to Make the Housework Easy and the vinegar (bottom left).
Well after most of the overhaul list had been done it was
Then back the next day to finish off.
Things like cleaning the window blind and the light shade and the radiator were still to be done and sometimes these are the types of things that we can overlook so make sure you have them on your list and then you won't forget them.
And before I could do my inventory for this room I wanted to do the ToDo list.
It is not very long but does include a rather annoying thing.
The people who owned the house before us had put up two hooks above the window probably to put up some kind of drape. The walls are completely tiled (not absolutely ghastly but not as nice as all the rest of the tiles in the house) so this means they put up two sticky backed hooks.
why couldn't they have put up two hooks that were the same
at the same height?
So my main ToDo is to find out the best way to remove these hooks.
Any bright ideas?
If you have had to do something similar and are now an expert in this please leave me a comment to help me.
I you have noticed anything online that might guide me please leave me a comment.
I need help here!