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We are still seeing the work God was doing through Peter but yet another city is involved this time.
Yesterday we left Peter in Joppa after 2 miracles, he had remained for a while as a guest of a man called Simon.
Now at the start of chapter 10 we meet another man called Cornelius who was a Roman Centurion, and some things about him immediately jumped out at me as I read the first paragraph.
He was (from verse 2)
- a devout man
- a man who feared God
- a man who shared his feelings with the whole family and servants
- a charitable man
- a man who believed in prayer
This is a man who because of the qualities written about him would have no doubt earned people's respect and love.
God spoke to him and told him to send for Peter giving directions about where Peter was and Cornelius did not question what he was told to do but acted on it straight away (see verse 7)
Now the focus of our story goes back to Peter in Joppa and it is the day after the event we just read about Cornelius.
Peter goes up to the rooftop to pray and sees a vision from God where something like a large sheet comes down to the space in front of him bringing us to verses 12 - 16
12 In it were all kinds of four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, creeping things, and birds of the air. 13 And a voice came to him, “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.”
14 But Peter said, “Not so, Lord! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean.”
15 And a voice spoke to him again the second time, “What God has cleansed you must not call common.” 16 This was done three times. And the object was taken up into heaven again.
We do not know how long Peter thought about the vision but The Holy Spirit then tells him that 3 men are there to talk to him and he must go down and talk with them not doubting anything about why they have come there.
Peter obeys immediately, hears about Cornelius' invitation and the following day he leaves with the men to go to Caesarea even though he does not know why Cornelius wants to see him
In verses 24 - 33 Peter arrives in Caesarea and meets Cornelius.
We notice two things here
- Cornelius acts in a worshipful way towards Peter
- Peter does not accept worship for himself
Cornelius knows Peter is a man of God but Peter does not want acknowledgement and I think Peter is like this because he truly is a man of God and hence all honour must go to God and he requires none for himself.
When we pray for someone and we see the answer to that prayer it is nothing to do with us it is all to do with God, there is no need for anyone to know that we have prayed because that draws attention to the person and not to God.
It was not right culturally for Jews to visit non-Jews like this but Peter knew this invitation was from God and not just from Cornelius. So now he wants to know what God and Cornelius require of him. Just a simple answer from Cornelius ends in verse 33 with
33 So I sent to you immediately, and you have done well to come. Now therefore, we are all present before God, to hear all the things commanded you by God.
Now Peter is ready to teach the whole household what they do not yet know and that results in a brief summary of the life of Jesus
which ends with the message of salvation - this is what the invitation was all about.
The Holy Spirit was at work among them all while Peter spoke and they were saved, baptised in the Holy spirit and baptised in water.
The man (Peter) who was sent by God to speak to these Gentiles was not the important person he was simply the person who trusted in God and was obedient allowing God to use him. All the work is done by God not by man.
I'm trying to read and write about the Book of Acts for 31 Days so please come back and join me for some notes & some thoughts each day.
As the month goes on each Day's Link will be added in