Yes. I am Petite!
That does not mean I take size 10 (UK) or below and it maddens me when people use petite in this way.
I am petite because I am smaller than 5' 3".
In fact I am not quite 5' 1"
I do need clothes that are the right length and in the right proportion but it can be very hard to find these even in the small sizes but much harder in sizes over 12. Then we also have to put up with a more old-fashioned look for the petites in those sizes.
When we lived in America I found a lovely shop called "Petite Sophisticate" and I just adored the clothes from there. But there was another problem and that is: Why should we have to pay more money for items that actually have less material in them than "normal" items?
My husband is almost 6' tall so there is a bit of a difference between the two of us. Even so when we had our first son I prayed that he would not be short like me but taller like his dad. 2 years later we had another son and I prayed that he would be tall as well. 3 years after that we had our daughter and I prayed that she would not take after me.
God answered my prayers and our oldest boy is almost as tall as his dad, the second boy is taller than his dad at around 6' 3" (sometimes we joke that I prayed too hard for him) and our daughter is about 5 inches taller than me. My sister used to joke that I needed a stepladder to kiss Fred (my husband) but that's not really a joke when it comes to Daniel (son no.2) and he normally ends up with a kiss on the neck instead of on the cheek.
So I was back to the petite clothing problem when my son Daniel was getting married and I needed an outfit.
I really needed a petite outfit.
Another thing that often goes hand in hand with someone being petite is the attitude of others towards them.
We get lots of remarks about our height.
"Gosh you are small!"
I know I am, do they think they are the first to have noticed?
"You'd better stand in front for the photo or you won't be seen."
I know I have to stand in front, do they think this has never happened to me before?
I normally look at my husband Fred in one of these "height challenged" moments and he smiles just the right way to show he has noticed and he knows how I feel. If he's near enough there will be the squeeze of my hand or a wee stroke on my neck.
Fred can do something just between us that makes me feel cared for in situations where others don't take time to think how I might feel.
Often people don't stop to think how we feel.
So looking for a special outfit is not an excitement for me but can be a dread because of the lack of choice and the way I may be treated.
I know I can't dwell on the fact that others aren't thoughtful or considerate all the time and I know that there are probably times when I don't stop and think to be as considerate as I possibly can.
There is only one person who cares about us all enough to know how we feel and what we need and that is the God.
When I see my husband being so thoughtful and understanding of what hurts me then I see something of the example of Christ and this is the way it is in a marriage. The husband is to love his wife just as Christ loves the church and this means being protected, provided for and cared for giving us security in our relationship.
So obviously when we see a good example of this in a marriage it helps us to remember the security we have in Christ even when we tend to temporarily forget His promises.
Of course this is another good reason to read some of the Word of God each day to be constantly reminded of how much Christ cares for us, enough to die in our place when we did not deserve His love.
Doesn't that make us feel cared for, loved and protected?
Doesn't that make us want to be part of His family?
Doesn't that lift us when others put us down?
Doesn't that bring us joy?
Saw this riddle for the word PETITE
and I just wish it were true
but it makes me smile anyway.

Well what about that outfit I had to get for Daniel's Wedding?
You can read all about that at What Will I Wear?
Here are some other Doses of Encouragement